Tag Archives: leave the church

The Role of The Pastor In Endtimes

In my work as a deliverance counselor, I am being put into contact with too many long-term, faithful churchgoers who are practically demon possessed. A few years ago,  this phenomena just did not make sense to me. Simply put, Jesus said that to look at the fruit, one must examine the tree. If the tree is good, then the fruit is good. If the fruit is evil, then the tree must be evil. So based on this simple premise of “you shall know them by their fruit”, why then are faithful churchgoers in so much demonic torment? Good question!!!! After taking a year to study church history, I answer the question in the book “the Fake Jesus: Fallen angels Among Us.”

When I was  a good, sincere pastor in a well-known denomination for 25 years,  to my dismay, I discovered  that those who have been faithful members, followers of my ministry bore no  fruit.Yet as  I counsel as a professional, Christian therapist on a weekly basis, my clients bear MUCH fruit. Why IS that? Someone can come into telephone counseling with me for 6 months to a year and bare ten times more spiritual fruit than some who have faithfully attended my “church” for 5 years, 10 years and 15 years.

It should also be pointed out there were people in my camp that heard countless sermons and teachings. I have known them personally and been an active figure in their lives, yet spiritual fruit in Christ is non-existent. I believe the Holy Spirit has recently given me my answer. Don’t hold on too tightly to your pew or to your pulpit. Here is the simple, yet profound answer. The passive model of church, where the pastor gets up on a platform, gives “a word” after the choir sings, DOES NOT BEAR FRUIT.

To bare real fruit for Christ, each sheep must be individually fed through counsel, guidance, up front and in your face ministry at least one hour a week, one on one. As the babe grows, the contact can be reduced after a year or so. Once the babe is a mature Christian, then he or she can “feed his or her self and then become a worker in the church to feed new babes.One shepherd can feed about 4 sheep a day, 7 days a week, for about 6 months to a year or about 27 people at a time. If the sheep learn quickly, then this would be about 54 babes a year. As a writer and a trainer, I cannot do a full-time job of counseling sheep. Full time pastoring would consists of 6- 8 sheep a a day for six months or a year.

From my personal background and experience, I can clearly see that the denominations are not working and I have grown to a place where I know that unless there is wide scale repentance within the denominational church, they are coming DOWN!!! I also have known for a while now that the devil has been using the non-denominationals and the Christian cults like the Mormons, but I certainly did not fathom the extent of the problem. Whether it be denominations, non-denominations, Christian television or radio, I finally came to terms with the fact  that NONE OF IT IS WORKING!!!!!

Several of my clients have done wrong things— sins of all kinds, witchcraft, incest, you name it but some of my clients have done no wrong. They have lived lives that Christians who are not being tormented by demons should emulate. It is sad to say but there are countless faithful church goers who have been out-and-out deceived by religion and religious people. I can find no excuse to place the blame on the deceived. Today, people are being saved and delivered, one at a time over the telephone. I am available 7 days a week, 4 hours a day allotted to deliverance counseling. But I am only one person. I can only handle 30 clients a week. I am getting closer to the end of my life. I can only make a very small impact. Even if I was a mega preacher, I would not be able to do more than any of the rest of them are doing. So what is the problem? It is the model that we have ALL been using–bringing huge crowds as well as small groups into small and big barns, without repentance, on a “believe and receive” gospel.

Let’s face it and be real here. As a denominational pastor for years, I myself could do absolutely nothing. Yet today, the tide is turning, the Holy Spirit is moving and people are being saved and delivered. My job is very simple. I preach the gospel of repentance and the bodily resurrection of the Lord and the Holy Spirit is moving on hardened hearts to lead people to repent, giving them the faith to believe on Jesus. I am casting out demons—on the telephone, no less–from those who will humble themselves to receive it. This one referenced case has taught me that since the organized church is not working, radio and tv is not working, it would be useless for me to reinvent the wheel cause it wouldn’t work with me either. It hasn’t and it won’t. I don’t know any other models other than working with people one on one. I have been out on the street in street ministry. That DOES work if the basic gospel is being preached and it is not aimed toward bringing people into a church that is going to confuse them.

What I am expecting is that the Lord is going to do a mass thing, around the world, similar to what He did to me and for me. I was an atheist and I was not seeking Him. He came after me in a dream and brought me to the cross without the benefit of man. I was sent to church, not to be nurtured, but that I would understand and perceive the problem and learn what NOT to do about 25 years later. More than two decades of “Church” has not done much for me. As I wrote in the “Come Out of Her, God’s People”, I have remained a root in dry ground. I got a hunger for the word from Kenneth Copeland and others and Joyce Meyer provided some good, solid teaching.

But for the most part, I was attracted to Copeland and the rest of them because they were “supernatural” and my background was in witchcraft. The two were almost an extension of each other and so I found word of faith to be “comfortable”—in other words, charismatic witchcraft. The denominations harmed me in the beginning because they were loose on sin and so until I got grounded on my own and took dominion over my own sin, I fell to carnal ministers. But once I had sexual sin under control, the denominations did not really harm me. They may have hurt my feelings and injured my pride, but they didn’t harm me. They couldn’t harm me because I was saved BEFORE I arrived. Just as the denomination I was in didn’t know the truth, I didn’t know the truth either.

The major point I am making is that the church as it is now operating today is “doing harm” to people who are serious about finding Jesus. For too any churchgoers have contacted me because they were demonized in church!!!  And I shudder at the thought. I KNOW the problem. The problem is 200 years old, starting with evangelist like Charles Finney and others. I thought I KNEW the organizational solution. Once, I thought that the answer was in home fellowships, in spite of the many problems that can affect that also. Home churches run by people who have not been deprogrammed from the effects of religion will simply carry the problems of the organized system into home groups.

You see, I really didn’t realize just how much the devil has penetrated the church. I have faith that God is going to raise up endtime pastors who are equipped to feed the sheep and who are empowered to protect them from religious demons. I am simply  praying, “Lord, this battle is YOURS and I don’t have a clue as to how you plan to deal with it. You have revealed a portion of  MY part in it.  Just “cause me to be ready.”

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Filed under charismatic witchcraft, churchfolk, counseling, false conversions, pastors, the organized church

END OF TIMES SIGN: False Conversions

  1. An End of Times Sign: False Conversions

I have been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1981, yet, I warn you. Church is not only a dangerous place , but around the globe, many churches are actually so dangerous, that people should run from them as if they were about to explode at any minute. I myself will never return for any reason. I explain in detail in Come Out of Her, God’s People.” I have a pastor’s heart and have functioned in the pastor’s calling for two decades , and I am still a pastor without a visible pulpit. My pulpit is the worldwide web. Anyone, anywhere can send me a message by email, social networks or call me on the phone.  I am available for prayer, counseling, teaching, training, personal guidance and deliverance.In fact,  I have chased more demons by phone in one year than I did as a pastor in the harlot system for 25 years.

Even so, I personally believe that a person can grow spiritually without regularly attending any organized church. Most definitely, you should assemble with the saints, but the word of God does not lay out a detailed order of service, nor does it suggest the day you should assemble, the time or even the nature of the place or building where gathering together should take place. We live in a computerized world, where we can “assemble” 24 and 7. Simply put, I truly believe that the organized church as it now stands will be completely revamped by the Lord. Why? Because quite frankly, the traditional structures are not working. I myself have no replacements to offer, I closed my own local assembly three years ago.

For 25 years in the organized church as a minister, I was hopeful that repentance would bring about reformation and renewal to the organized church. However, the love of money, which is the root of ALL evil, has permeated most of the church and I seriously doubt if the Lord is going to allow it to continue to exist in its present state. Judgement is swiftly coming and I shudder at what is going to happen to church and to churchgoers. There are plagues for those who do not “come out of Her.”

My suspicion that the age of the organized church is either over or very close to ending has been growing over time. There is one startling fact.— I emphasize a crucial, damnable sign of the end of the gentile age. The bottom of the bottom line is that souls are not being saved in the organized church. What is really troublesome is that I am finding that even the best churches can be hazardous, primarily because subtle deception is actually held in place by the sincerity and the commitment of its leadership. To be sincerely wrong can be almost as deadly as being obviously deceived or purposefully deceptive.

In order to understand the nature of end times, we need to have a general insight on “what has been goin on.” I have read newsletters, articles and books written by well-meaning sisters and brothers that are too complicated for the average Christian. We have some very intelligent people in the remnant church—real deep, scholarly thinkers. The problem is that as they major on each individual tree, our minds are overrun with too many thoughts, too many ideas.

To get a picture of “what’s goin on” , it is important that we consider the intense significance of the fact that man was made a little lower than the angels. As are angels, we too are created beings. The highest created being was Lucifer, as there was no creature superior to him. Beneath Lucifer were the rest of the angelic creation: cherubim and seraphim, the archangels, principalities and powers, the lower angels and demons. The bible also suggests that there were other living creatures on earth who themselves fell at the time of Lucifer’s rebellion. It is believed that their disembodied spirits make up the lower class of demons. Of this, no one is sure. All we know is that no matter the class of demon, in the Name of Jesus, we can “cast them out from people.”

However, demons cannot be cast out of the organized church because the leadership will not repent for practical reasons that I call the 5 “P’s”. It has too much to lose. Position–self images are in jeopardy. Power—too many enjoy ruling over others. Prestige–vanity relishes in the exaltation of people. Pride–puffed up preachers will not admit to doctrinal error. Prosperity–too many livelihoods depend upon tithes and offerings. No one will risk financial stability in hard times.

The dire situation of the visible church is like a run away train. To stop, it must crash.

And crash, it will.


 You may be one of those who has come out of the organized church, yet you may need deliverance from the Fake Jesus. If you need help, call 518-477-5759

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Filed under endtimes, false conversions, led out of the church, organized church

Deliverance From Church Addiction

DELIVERANCE FROM CHURCH ADDICTION: An Excerpt from “Come out of Her, God’s People.” by Pam Sheppard

Deliverance from church is no easy feat because Church attendance can evolve into an addiction.  Once you get hooked, you need to be “detoxed.”  As substance abusers go into a 28-day detox to “get clean,” church addicts need to stay out of church for at least 28-30 days.  As creatures of habit, I have found that any addiction can be physically broken in that time period. Even so, once the 28 day fast is completed, the addiction in the soul is yet another story.  The mind, the heart and the emotions must be renewed and for that, a drug addict will go into either a 90 day out-patient facility or a 6 months residential program.

 So too with the church addict.  From 90 days to 6 months, perhaps a year, the church addict’s mind must be re-trained.  False doctrines and practices  that the churchgoer has believed in  for decades must be challenged so that the soul can be renewed.  As God Himself has compared false worship to prostitution or whoredom , I am not out of line in making a similar comparison.  A church addiction can be compared to “good sex” with someone you know does not really love you.  Simply put, you get hooked to the thrill and the feeling.  Those of us who have never “been there and done that” wonder what the thrill is for a masochist.  Masochism from a psychiatric perspective is defined as a condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain and humiliation gained from despair, deprivation, and degradation.  The perpetrator can be others or it can be self-inflicted. Unfortunately, masochists are known to find pleasure in self-denial and emotional pain.

I can relate on a spiritual level because sexual masochism is like self-imposed  martyrdom.  For example, it is not a part of my normal  personality  to tolerate a lack of regard or disrespect from anyone, yet I passively allowed myself to be frequently humiliated over a 25 year span by ignorant church bishops, elders and members who would have been of no consequence to me in the world. It is actually  in my  carnal nature to chew up the meat and spit out the bones of  folk like this.  But in the church, I allowed these abusers to ascend themselves over me  with their spiritual feet in my back, tacitly enduring  their verbal abuse and complete disregard of my personhood, over and over again. 

Why? Because I ignorantly assumed that I was “suffering for Christ.”  Notwithstanding, like a spiritual masochist, a sensual, carnal thrill was obtainable through believing that I was more righteous than they because I was faithfully  doing God’s will.  What a shock to find out after more than two decades, that “God never sent me there for ANY reason.” He simply used what the enemy meant for evil for my personal and spiritual good, so that I could be used by Him to help others “help themselves!” Nevertheless,  as one who was “addicted,” I never wanted to leave that Whore  on my own so God made HER  PUT ME OUT!!!! 

Ignorant of my own emotional condition, I foolishly  submitted myself to  the spiritual abuse that those I pastored inflicted upon me.  Whatever they needed, I was there for them. I spent quality time with most of them–shopping, vacations and other outings, cooking for them, you name it. I was at the jails, hospitals, homes.  I was a devoted pastor, never controlling or demanding with anyone.  I even came from behind the pulpit and taught them as Jesus did.  Yet none of my efforts bore any fruit in them  for Jesus Christ.

     The irony is that the devil used those I pastored in three different churches to try to cause me to change my definition of the word “pastor”.   Religious devils used church members  to try to beat me down with discouragement by causing them to treat me  with a lack of appreciation, regard and respect. In other words, I was not loved.  For some time, I thought it was because I am “not a man.”  I have seen men revered who were known to be homosexuals, abusers of all kinds.  But my gender was not the cause. The only distinction between me and them was that I was not raised in church and I came to know Jesus Christ outside of church walls.

  As I reflect, I do not recall that I ever really  pastored those who were truly saved.  Even when I started my own church in 1996, I  remained abused by people who actually  chose to follow me.  Yet, as I remember each one of them, I see no fruit for Jesus Christ. In spite of the fact that  I preached a powerful message, the word fell on ground that “was not good.”


Why?  There is a simple answer, taken straight from the Lord’s own lips.  When folk are serving two masters, they end up hating one and loving the other. Therefore their hatred of me was not “personal.”  It was scriptural and it was prophetic.   The sheep I served  were serving two masters.  Since I belong to Christ,  I was despised. Therefore, it is understandable to me now, that  it was not God who called me to ministry while I was in the Denomination. I could be wrong but I don’t believe that  God  would  call anyone of His to serve Him  within such a filthy, corrupt system. 

 Once I embraced this truth, I realized that my situation can be compared to the first predicament of His servant Moses.  While he was in Egypt, Moses tried to help his own people but  he failed.  It was not until he was forced out of Egypt into the wilderness, that God prepared him for ministry.   In like manner today,  I believe that to be used by God effectively, one has to actually leave the organized church.

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Filed under addiction, EXCERPTS FROM PAM'S BOOKSpAM, Pam's Books, spiritual abuse



My First Encounter with an Orb by Pam Sheppard

About 5 years ago, I was contacted by a pastor  from Denmark who had visited my website. I had a picture uploaded  of my storefront church among my photos  and the  pastor noticed an unusual image in  the picture of my church  that was also in a photo taken of his church.  He  joyfully announced to me in an email, “You have at least ONE angel  in your church.  One is appearing on the photo that you have on the web that is just like the ones shown in the picture that I have sent you of our church.”

I don’t know when and how I knew that these round circles with lots of dots in them  are what occultists call “orbs.”  When I looked at the photo of the church in Denmark, I could see the same image, 20 or more times over.  (See the first 2 photos below) The pastor labeled the orb on my storefront church  with the word “angel”.

The pastor’s email  was rather interesting because of its timeliness.  I had begun to suspect that demons were in my church as I saw some demonic faces peering at me behind the floral arrangement in front of the window, and also behind the altar.  When I received the email, I was planning to  move the church out of the storefront, not just for that reason but for several others that need not be mentioned at this juncture.

Anyway, I certainly did not believe that this was an angel.  On the contrary, I suspected that it must be a demon based upon what I perceived occurring in my church.  Since we moved a few months later, I didn’t dwell on “the image.”  So I forgot about it until recently.


According to photographers, researchers, scientists and New Agers,  an orb is a luminous circle of light that can be photographed, taken with or without a flash camera.  They range in size from tiny to an average of two to 5 inches in diameter.  Various websites connect the orbs to aliens and ghosts, while the Christian pastor in Denmark believes that the orbs are “angels.”

Researchers and professional photographers indicate that the orbs are not lens flares, nor are they dust or pollen particles in the air.  The strange part is that orbs have predominately been photographed and even seen with the naked eye at occult conferences, in graveyards, masonic lodges and caves.

So my question  is, “why are orbs  now showing up in photographs taken in churches?”

Skeptics reason that the orbs appear in high places and that may have something to do with the camera.  Not so.  My storefront church has low ceilings yet there is an orb that manifested on the film.  Some say that they are only visible at night in dark places.  Yet, the picture of the storefront church was taken in the daytime.  Below are some other pictures of orbs taken in a masonic lodge, and other religious settings. I have in my possession, several more pictures—some taken at the Notre Dame Cathedral, another in a cemetery and some in caves, and other “spiritual” buildings.

Here is the picture taken in the storefront.

The picture below is the pastor’s church in Denmark.  There are at least 20
or more orbs in this photo.

I also have a picture packed away in a huge box that were taken in the denomination I was ordained in. On the photo, are orbs but these are orbs with faces in them  They remind me of the cartoon, “Casper the Friendly Ghost,” only their mouths are in a scornful, mocking grimace. Here are a few more pictures of orbs taken in “spiritual” places:

So, what do I think this all means as it relates to the organized church?  I was born again at home in 1977, never having attended a church a day in my life.  In 1979,   I received 3 dreams that guided me to a particular church–messages that I “assumed” were from God.     Four year later, I was called out of that church, and then again in 2003.  The first time I was called out was in October 1983.  I was at a Kenneth Copeland Believer’s Convention held in Atlanta.

Asleep in my hotel room, I was awakened by a bellowing, booming voice that sounded like mighty waters, loud trumpets, and thunder ALL AT ONCE.  I jumped out of the bed and hit the floor where I bowed down on my knees.  The voice of thunder only said 3 words: COME OUT, SEPARATE. Must have said it 20 times or more.

I came out a few weeks later,  but I went back to the same Denomination in 1987, where I caught un-holy hell for the next 17 years until God stepped in and led me out in 2004.  I waited for 2 years for the Lord to lead me to affiliate with a different church system.  Not only did He not do so, but  when He spoke again, the Lord compared the church to “a condemned building.” He has also revealed that “He NEVER sent me to the Denomination  in the first place and that the 3 dreams that led me there “WERE NOT FROM HIM.”

Once I was out, I thought to “go back for a visit.”  The Lord spoke again, this time asking me a 4 letter question that brought the fear of the Lord upon me.  He asked, “Are YOU Lot’s wife?”

After hearing that question, I won’t even step inside of a church building for a wedding or a funeral.  By nature, I am a balanced, rational, non-obsessive personality.  However, regarding entering church buildings, I am adamant to the right side of obsession.  I don’t tell others what to do or not to do.  I just take care of ME and I keep Lot’s wife ever before me in my conscious and unconscious mind.  When a close relative died last year, I walked into the church building, looked at the body for less than a minute and I walked out—very, very fast.  I sat in the car until the funeral was over.

This is me.

So I don’t attempt to cause others to be as adamant as I am about this point.  I counsel and mentor people who agree with me on most points yet they admit that they see nothing wrong with going to church, and I do not contend with them about this issue.  Recently, one of my clients stated that “her church was different.”  I simply advised her to  “go and take some pictures.”   She did.  Here is the photograph of her church.  It is filled with orbs.  The biggest one is on the far right of the stage.

Without any advice from me, the Lord is “leading my client  out of this dwelling place of demons called a church.”So what do I believe is happening??? I believe that the fact that orbs are now manifesting in churches is a sign that devils and demons have taken over ALL Christian pulpits.  Church buildings are like haunted houses–filled not with ghosts but with evil spirits.Certainly, demons have been attracted to churches for centuries and so that is no surprise. Moreover, doctrines of demons are many.   However, I believe that  demons literally  “took over” when the church began to preach an “I accept Jesus” doctrine, taking salvation out of the hands of God and putting eternal life into the hands of man.  This is the reason why ALL churches are affected, in every nation of this world.  Charles Finney allowed the demons to use him to bring “a new gospel” into all churches.”  If you have ever said, “I accepted Jesus,” you too have been affected.”  None of us are exempt.

So if you think that your church is the exception, I suggest to you that the next time you enter the building,


If you are being led out of the organized church, help is available at 518-477-5759

I have seen demons face to face.  I recommend “the New Idolatry,” my latest book released on 1/30/11. www.lulu.com/content/11927464


Filed under demons and devils, evil spirits, orbs, organized church, Uncategorized

How to Counsel Gays and Lesbians from a Christian Perspective Part 1

Counseling Gays and Lesbians from a Christian Perspective Part 1.

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Filed under gay and lesbian, homosexuals and Jesus Christ, sexual sin, spiritual abuse


Taking a scripture out of context is called texual preaching. It is the worst kind of preaching.

Homilitics: The “Art” of Preaching

I preached for more almost 3 decades, and I loved it.  It was NOT God so I put it down. Quit cold turkey on my 25th anniversary after I preached a message called “What do you have to burn.” The Lord spoke to me and said “Pam, you have to burn sermonizing. It is NOT of ME!

It is called “homiletics.” The ART of preaching.

Taught in seminary to ministers, I know from experience that the preaching resounding  from pulpits today has pitifully little to almost nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I should have taken the hint when I first started sermonizing. I didn’t because preaching gratified the Hollywood nature of my flesh.  The Lord spoke to me in a dream and said “Pam, when you preach, don’t forget to mention my name. I was a bit embarrassed. Yet every time I got in the pulpit, I remembered His words. I also will never forget how difficult it was for me to comply.  It was quite the struggle.  You see, the purpose of a sermon is to draw scriptures out of their natural context in either an entertaining or provocative manner for the purpose of either causing those who hear “to choose Jesus Christ” or to mature spiritually in Him. Built into the entire purpose of the sermon is the wrong premise.  WE DO NOT CHOOSE CHRIST. HE CHOOSES US.  Therefore when we preach this way, we grieve and we quench the Holy Ghost. Why? Because sermonizers use their stage like a performance to usurp His work.  The Holy Ghost does the drawing. The Holy Ghost does the convicting. The Holy Ghost does the converting, and He will not use our performance to do His work. The job of the preacher is simple.  We tell the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

What is the story of the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Here it is in a nutshell.

  • God came out of heaven and took on a human body.
  • He ministered on earth for 3 years and He was crucified. He died in our place as punishment for ou sins.
  • He overcame death, sin and the devil when He was raised from the dead
  • He is coming back for the saints and He shall rule this world as He rules the entire universe that He created.
  • Period.  This is the story of the preacher in and out of the pulpit. This is preaching. Nothing more, nothing less.

So what is this act or performance that continues in churches, in conferences and conventions,  acts that you can turn on Christian radio and listen to and watch on Christian television 24/7?

Preaching is an art. It’s an art of public speaking.  The problem with public speaking is in both the presenter and the listener. The presenter is forced to not only consider but to cater to the preferences, the like and dislikes of the presenter. Most listeners are resistant to anyone who speaks to them from a public platform for more than 15 minutes on “anything!” Poor attention spans is a problem for not only churches, but schools, training seminars, community meetings and other gatherings. Most truths have to be repeated over and over again. So this is the reason why you can ask any churchgoing, professing Christians to explain the cross and the resurrection, the doctrine of justification by faith, how to walk in the spirit, and he or she will struggle to define or explain. The essentials of the gospel are lost in the preacher’s desire to capture the attention of those who are dull of hearing.

However, the true problem is with the preacher. I was the type of preacher that people either loved or hated to hear.  I wanted them to love me.  However, when I got up to speak, my method and my subject matter was either like John the Baptist or the Apostle Paul. I preached a hard word.  Even so, when the Holy Ghost called me out of the church, He schooled me gradually and periodically.  The first thing He said while I was still a denominational pastor was “Pam I cannot use you in this place.  You are a light, hidden under a bed.”  I left the denomination yet while I was pastoring the church that I myself founded, He said, “the people act like they are supporting you. They seem to love to hear you speak.  However, their ears are dull of hearing. They are all living a lie.  They are all hypocrites and they are filled with demons.  Your church has become a dwelling place of demons.” So I closed it.”

 I was a good preacher. I loved preaching primarily  because I thought God was using it.  He is not.  The sermon is a dead thing. I buried it and I press on.

My last sermon convicted me. The thing I had to burn was preaching.

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Filed under led out of the church, Paul the Apostle, preaching, sermons, the cross, the gospel of Jesus Christ


It is time to get ready!

Only God knows how many frustrated mega-preacher wannabees there are out there.  Oh, I know your heart real well.  I used to be just like YOU!  You may have been lusting after  the prosperity, power and prestige of the megas.  The demon assigned to me tried to convince me that I was to be rich and famous but I woke up and smelled the Lord’s end time coffee. Perhaps Satan has deceived you into believing  that you are the next up and coming TD Jakes, Juanita Bynum, or perhaps you are the next Billy Graham or Joyce Meyer.  The religious devil assigned to you will whisper in your ear and lie  to you in your dreams and visions.   He follows you 24/7 and he has taken book on you so he   knows if you have been  weak to  self glory, pride and ambition.

The truth of the matter is that megadom has really “seen its day.”  God has no need for anymore mega preachers.  In fact, don’t be surprised to discover that  it was not the anointing of God that  made the mega’s famous. Nor was it their faith. As quiet as it has been kept, there are megas who  have even been secretly  “bankrolled” by the rich and the powerful within the Illuminati. 

Here’s yet another little secret.   Conversion is a fallacy.  In Christ, no human being  converts anyone.  Conversion is the job of the Holy Ghost.  All we do is “tell the story” and the Holy Ghost uses what we preach to convert.  I don’t think there is anywhere in the world where the name of Jesus Christ is unknown.  I believe that we are very close to the end, perhaps even the Lord’s soon return. He may come while I am yet alive.
While I am here and even after I am dead and  gone, my job is to draw the elect out of deception.   “Come Out of Her, God’s People”  is a book that will do that in a big way.   Since no traditional pastor will ever give me exposure to his congregation, I have to find God’s people in “other ways”.  I   “assemble on line” in private facebook groups  which  in no way is  anything like “church as usual.” If you would like to know more, send me a fb message.
My job is to train a cadre of ministers  with the skills and knowledge base that the Lord has given me. Then I assign  those who have come out of the church to the ministers. So each trained minister has a sheepfold .  Some of the ministers have been delivered, then trained.  They  came together online to be trained so that others can be trained, and so on.  No mega.  Just each one teach as many as we can.
 Do you have to be clergy???  Absolutely not!!!! I have been licensed, ordained clergy for 30 years.  I took the documents off of my wall and threw them in the garbage.  If God is not in it, ordination papers are not worth the paper that they are printed on.  You see,  there are countless  demonized clergy  because what they are doing in their pulpits is not only NOT in the will of God, but they are actually serving demons who have literally taken over their pulpitsIn order to be fully delivered, they have to give up their pulpits. That is why after 13 years, I closed the congregation that I myself started in 1996.  It too was filled with demons because it was still a part of the Babylonian structure. Even though I was a loyal and sincere pastor, the word I preached fell on wayside, thorny, stony ground.  People were “playin church.”
I have to work while it is day because there will come a time when there will be no Internet and those that I  have trained online will be on their own. Right now, I have trained affiliate and associate ministers that I will assign to mentor  you.  To know more, call 518-477-5759.

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Filed under deception, JOYCE MEYER, JUANITA BYNUM, training for end times



Taken from a website called Pulpit Pimps


 With 30 years in ministry under my belt, I know a thing or two about false prophets. Besides the TV mega preachers that Iwatched for years, I also came to know at least 200 ministers while I was pastoring in a well known denomination. So from my observations, I have designated 3 different types of false prophets. The deceived, the detoured and the diabolical.

 There are those false prophets who are really saved but they followed the wrong leaders, and “sucked into themselves” mixed and false doctrines and practices. In short, they heeded and harkened unto the voice of seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil. However, they have not yet departed from the faith. These I call, “the Deceived.” Some of them will be set free. Because of pride, sad to say, others won’t be. Some false prophets would prefer to be caught up in a scandal than to admit that they taught error and thereby “led the people in the wrong direction, away from God, and not toward Him.” They are too spiritually proud to admit that they did not rightly divide the word of God.

Then there is the false prophet who was once used of God mightily, but he or she got deceived by the enemy and fell into disrepute. These I call “the Detoured.” This man or woman becomes a pretender—one who is very dangerous to those who are babes in Christ or who remain carnal Christians. Their followers “stand by their man” even when they should jump ship. The bible has a classic example of how the detoured “Old Prophet” deceived the man of God, resulting in the latter’s death. (I Kings 13)

Then of course, there is the out and out pretender who knows that he or she is serving the spirit of the Anti- Christ and everything they do is a masquerade. These I call “the Diabolical.” They are imposters, planted in among Christians to willfully bring confusion that will lead to destruction.

Every false prophet type— whether the Deceived, the Detoured, and the Diabolical— is equally dangerous. Why? Because they can leave a huge trail of victims.  I am humbled and thankful that although I was on the road to becoming a false prophet, the Holy Ghost jerked my chain, then cut it and broke it.  When  I was deceived by charismatic teachings,” God blessed me by closing doors and blocking me from spreading error. Even though I once had the heart, the skill and the desire of a mega preacher, God purposefully would not allow me to become a popular celebrity.. When a door opened, the Holy Ghost closed it and blocked my way through it. Moreover, among those that I have pastored, even though I personally believed some mixed doctrines, I didn’t teach them to those who allowed me to lead them. So praise God, after 30 years as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have no victims.

For example, I spoke in tongues, but I didn’t teach my followers to do so. I tithed, but I did not preach a “sow a seed,” prosperity gospel. In fact, I was completely self sustaining. I gave back my church salary in the form of tithes and offerings to the churches that I pastored. When I practiced healing and the laying on of hands, I never told anyone to stop taking their medicine and “walk by faith.” I primarily preached the cross, sin, repentance, rebirth and the resurrection. But make NO MISTAKE. The false prophets of all 3 varieties:— the deceived, the detoured and the diabolical— are equally dangerous! Your prayers for them to repent may NOT prevail. And why not?

In order to repent, the false prophet has to do more than apologize and ask for forgiveness from those he has abused and deceived. If he has been made rich off of the backs of poor people by preaching the prosperity gospel, then God will require him or her to “give back” all of that money to the poor. Not too many false prophets are willing to give up those jet planes, million dollar homes and those Bentleys. Even the false prophets who are NOT mega, many of them have practiced the lie for so long, that it is practically impossible to receive the truth and act on it. Far too many have made “ministry” their career and not their calling.

Ask the Apostle Paul. He maintained as a tentmaker. He would not allow any of the churches that he set up to totally provide his livelihood. That is why he could write, “whether abased or exalted, I can do ALL things 4 through Christ who strengthens me.” In other words, JUST SO YOU KNOW, I am not dependent upon YOU to live and to serve my God. When a false prophet’s livelihood is intricately tied to church dollars and resources, he or she is captive to a self made trap that cannot be escaped from without God’s help. Actually, some false prophets have to be stripped naked to find God again, if they ever knew Him. So if you really think a particular false prophet is deceived, perhaps detoured but not diabolical, then your prayer should be “Lord, strip him.”

A word of caution. The religious demon assigned to me tried to set me up to become  a false prophet.  In several dreams, he showed me standing before huge audiences, walking up and down across a platform with my bible in my hand, preaching and teaching.  He even showed me pastoring a church of about 10,000 people.  Because I sought after the power to slay in the spirit, after 10 years of seeking, I got it. I could wave my hand, and certain ones would fall out, unconscious.  However, I began to question this power because I noticed that the ones in my congregation who fell out the most, were also those who could not STAND for the Lord, relapsing or backsliding constantly.  So I said to myself, “Pam, there is something wrong with this so-called gift. This cannot be from the Holy Ghost!”  Once I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to “show me the darkness,” I got quite the wakeup call that revealed that  the mega preacher phenomena of today is NOT of the Lord.  It is a combination of human charisma, “anointed” by the enemy’s power.


So if you are on that road, you need to get off, and get off with a quickness!

If you have been burned by a false prophet, there is help.  Call 519-477-5759

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Filed under carnal Christians, false doctrine, false prophet, false prophets, man of God, prosperity gospel, pulpit pimps



In 1988, Geraldo Rivera televised a program that focused on Christian Cults, with the subtitle “Zombies for Christ.” Interviews are held with people who underwent deprogramming from the influence of charismatic, fundamentalist leaders and churches. The major problem that I had with this process, is that those who are doing the “deprogramming” are not born again Christians themselves, and may be deprogramming people completely away from Jesus, which of course is the subtle, underhanded strategy of the devil, using professing Christians against themselves. Worst yet is that they are programming people toward the fake Jesus by telling them to “ask Jesus to come into your hearts.”

 People are watching Christian television and reading Christian books, who themselves need to be deprogrammed from error that is causing them to be vulnerable to demonic oppression of a very serious nature. In fact, when I have tried to counsel those who have come to me to seek deliverance from the torment of demons, the mixture and error in their spiritual foundation is extremely deep.  Therefore,  deliverance is severely hindered by the amount of error that these captives have anchored their faith to by watching Christian television or reading the books of various mega preachers.

 The problem of today is similar to what Rivera explored in 1988.  Evil spirits know it is fruitless to urge the righteous toward sins of the flesh, so demons use another tactic called DECEPTION. The Satanic strategy is planned in the form of teachings and doctrines that appear “good”. The biggest deception is to receive counsel solely based upon the godly life and character of the counselor or teacher. Most false prophets are clean living, righteous, upstanding folk.  So to receive their teachings based on their “good character” is what the enemy is after.

 Therefore, it is important for you to know that every thing that the enemy does is not always evil as he works under the cover of light. So the strategy of deception is to get the righteous or good person to accept a wrong idea and then to pass it off to others “as truth.”

 Certainly, the bible   should be the foundation of every Christian. However, it is important to point out that scripture is also  used as the basis of false teaching.  The enemy  has  very skillfully woven into a web certain scriptures  that will ultimately entrap a child of God like the prosperity gospel, praying in the spirit, tongues, slain in the spirit—I could go on and on!. With each false doctrine and practice, the method is to pull single texts out of their original context. In my work with  professing Christians in torment or bondage, the following scripture from the book of James rings true:


I train ministers in our deliverance mentoring program to   listen to the unbridled tongue so as to expose the nature of the deception. Also, Paul wrote to Christians that we are deceived when we think ourselves to be wise with the wisdom of this world.(I Corinthians 3:15) Deliverance Mentoring  is certaining a humbling process, for very often, Christians in torment must resist the devil by admitting that they have been deceived not only by well meaning Christian teachers, family and friends, but also by their own heart. (Jer 17:9, Isaiah 64:20)

Trained ministers serve as mentors to those who have left the organized church.

 At Sheppard’s Counseling Center, we de-program the deceived through our deliverance mentoring program. Trained online ministers are available.  www.pamsheppard.com/online_ministers_available

Any questions or comments you may have, you are welcome to do so in this post.  Or contact me on facebook at www.facebook.com/pamela.sheppard911

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Revelation 18:4 WHO IS SHE?

    Jesus warned in Revelation 18:4 “COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE.” After the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01, I thought that Revelation Ch: 18 was fulfilled right before my eyes  for several reasons.  However, one fact caused me to know that the dust fallout in NYC and the fall of “world trade” were not the complete fulfillment of this chapter.  Why?  Because the World Trade Center may be rebuilt.  The scripture clearly states that when Babylon Falls, there will be no rebuilding of her. Yet as did others, I presumed that either NYC or on a larger scale,  America is Mystery Babylon.

Pam Sheppard, Author

I began to tell people to come out of my home town, the Big Apple while others were shouting, “Leave America.”  A small exodus has occurred on both fronts: with NYC dwellers moving either upstate or out of state and others, fleeing the US have taken refuge in Canada.Some prophets are saying that the remnant in this country are going to fly away to the Carribean when things get really dangerous here.

After a few years, I realized that NYC is not Babylon. Could it be America? Perhaps.Yet   if we left NYC or America, where in the world shall we go, even if we had enough money to get there!!! The Carribean has too many hurricanes!  So I don’t think that Jesus would warn us to do something that was not possible for ALL of His elect to do.

 In fact, I don’t believe that Mystery Babylon is a physical place.  I am not alone in my belief that Mystery Babylon is symbolic of the world system which also includes the organized religion.   Why the church?  Well, when I look at the 4th verse of Revelation 18:  I notice two words:  “My People.”  Where are the Lord’s people?”  Well, for the most part, they are members of  the organized religion, be it Catholic, Protestant, denominational or word of faith.  God’s people are in the system known as “church.”

  There are many reasons why I believe that besides the political and economic systems, the organized church is a part of the world. Yet, I center on ONE reason.  Since  the job of the organized church around the world is to tend the sheep, failing to feed the sheep  truth by sound doctrine is a serious
matter. No one can deny that the entire church system is “heeding seducing spirits and spreading doctrines of devils.” (I Tim 4:1-4)

  However a part of “tending” the sheep is to provide protection from wolves in sheeps clothing.   When the wolves predominate in both the pulpits and the pews, then those who are really God’s elect are in serious danger.   You may be having bible study with a wolf.  You may be submitting yourself to a wolf to pastor you. The irony is that in vain, churchgoers continue to religiously and faithfully comply with organizational expectations, yet without understanding or realizing that unseen forces continue to wreak havoc on committed people.
When people go to church expecting to receive salvation, come away with spirits of torment and divination, something is “definitely wrong.”  I know that “sheep that say baaa”  are considered stupid. However, it doesn’t take the genious of a rocket scientist to realize that “church”  is  not  a safe place
today.  So as Jesus warned, you need to obey Him:  “Come Out of Her, My People, lest ye be partakers of Her sins, lest ye receive of Her plagues.”
Church is a dangerous place, Beloved.  As “last days” believers, you need to come out of Her.
Once you decide to come out, help is available at www.pamsheppard.com/online_ministers_available

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Filed under counterfeit births, the organized church