Woe Be Unto Us For Preaching a Powerless Gospel!

I preached  sermon after sermon  from a denominational pulpit for 25 years. For 10 years as a travelling evangelist, I preached an average of 30 sermons a year.  However the 15 years as a pastor, I preached at least 720 sermons a year.  Consider also that I watched others sermonize for as much as 20 times a year for 20 years.

Consequently, I have seen the work and met the souls up front and personal.  Yet sad to say,  I can only remember how the human presentation of the unfathomable victory and power of Cavalry and the Lord’s empty tomb has blurred and even watered down the gospel message to such an extent, that it has spiritually thrown multitudes off the track to a solid and steadfast conversion and rebirth. In fact, when I look back in reflexion, I am horrified by the disastrous  confusion produced by ALL of us preaching every conceivably human experience other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth crucified and raised from the dead.

Early in my preaching days, the Lord spoke to me in a dream and said ever so kindly, “Pam, don’t forget to call my name in your sermon on Sunday morning.” I could have been embarrassed but instead, I was deeply convicted.

I never forgot to call His name yet when I preached the resurrection, it seemed like everyone, including other ministers, were in a state of total religious blindness!!!!

As a seasoned preacher, I realize today that the problem with behind the pulpit sermonizing is the mind of the preacher.  The enemy has done a masterful job in calling preachers whose minds are unclear about what being raised from the dead means.  For as the serpent beguiled Eve, the mind behind the pulpit in this hour is corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

It is a fearfully blasphemous thing to hinder the Holy Ghost from reaching those whom the Lord called and chose for Himself before the worlds were framed.

Woe be to all who scatter His flock by not preaching in every single sermon, the power of the Lord’s resurrection to raise the dead spirits into eternal life.

You can’t preach what you do not understand.  If you do not understand the Lord’s resurrection, you need to watch the video above.

  Calls will be received at 518-477-5759.


Filed under pastors, preaching, resurrection

3 responses to “Woe Be Unto Us For Preaching a Powerless Gospel!

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us!



  3. Pingback: GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL « Christian Notions

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