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Faces of the Religious Demon: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling


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Christian Deliverance from the Occult

cover_new_idolatryBy Pam Sheppard

Most of the  demonically tormented people who I have served online   in the last ten years were active members of charismatic and Pentecostal churches. Some of them were set free but others remain tormented. So it no longer comes as a surprise to me that some of them will never find relief from demonic torment.  Actually, it is an empirical fact that white magic practitioners who attend Christian churches are so shackled to the sin of idolatry, that release from demonic captivity is unobtainable without a thorough confession and renunciation of charismatic witchcraft.  As a consequence, the spiritual pride deeply rooted in the charismatic movement remains the stumbling block as “God resists the proud.”In the book the New Idolatry,”  a lecture concerning demonism and psychotherapy by  German psychiatrist Alfred Lechler shed a somber light on demonic captivity: In the words of Dr. Lechler:

“What then must we regard as the cause of demonic enslavement or possession?  If we enquire closely from such people as bear the marks we have just mentioned, we very often find in their background the use of magic means such as are employed in black magic–acts of charming or being charmed, the sin of fortune-telling or visits to fortune tellers and card layers, and participation in spiritist sessions.  Black magic is much more prevalent than is ordinarily assumed…When we look into the Bible, we note that it too is well acquainted with enchantment.  It is in Acts 19 described as a ‘prying art.’ (here we also find mention of magic books.)[1]

I must concur with the late Dr. Lechler, a German who practiced psychiatry before I was born.  Five or more decades later,  what I have found astounding is that in practically every case of demonic torment among my own Christian clients, a common factor is that 95 percent of them were not demon possessed BEFORE they went to a charismatic, “word of faith, non-denominational  church.  Some passive Christians are like helpless zombies, unable to take corrective action where necessary.  On the charismatic side, good people have been deceived into accepting all things supernatural as “of the Lord’ and consequently, they have made ‘a voice from God’ as the deciding factor in every matter, both trivial and important.  Passive believers have also suppressed their personalities to such an extent that they can’t distinguish their own persona from the demonic influences that bind them.[1]

The difference between charismatic divination and occultism lies in the fact that generally the dreams, visions and prophetic messages of charismatic practitioners are usually spontaneous experiences, which “come over” or “overtake” the professing Christian without apparent preparation or mental volition on his or her part.  For this reason, the gullible and unsuspecting assume that the supernatural information must be from God.  On the other hand, psychics make use of omens, potions, amulets, tarot cards,  the I Ching, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards and a plethora of other tools to interpret the signs believed to be in them  to predict the future.

Charismatic diviners have the same purpose.  They simply use tools that they claim are the nine biblical gifts of the Holy Ghost, particularly those labeled “the revelation gifts:” a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits.  What charismatic teachers fail to understand is that Paul wrote the Corinthian letter about these gifts without defining them or explaining any specifics as to how they operate.  In fact, no texts in the Bible actually define these gifts.       In the midst of crowds of gatherers, people come to be led by shamanistic men and women who know how to “turn them on” with just a wave of a hand. On more than one occasion,  I watched in amazement as  well-known TV evangelist TD Jakes ordered apparently sensible people to turn to their neighbor and with a wave of their hand, shake their neighbor’s problems away. To watch the people immediately obey without thinking at all was a scary thing indeed. Anyone with a sound mind would know that problems do not “fly away” by a wave of the hand.

If you are either demonized or tormented, we offer you hope that your torment is a sign that if you have experienced a false conversion and you are presently being tormented, the torment itself is a sign that God intends to save you.  Demons and fallen angels do not torment those whom  they KNOW will never be saved. It is only the deceived among the elect of God who are under torment right now.  If you are one of God’s people who has been deceived while attending a Pentecostal, Charismatic or a Denominational Church, we can help you break the contract that you made with the fake Jesus.

So call us to arrange for your first telephone session at 1-888-818-1117. You can also email us at rescueonfb@icloud.com.

Pastor Pam’s article above sheds light on demonic torment and how participants in the institutional church have put their selves at risk of this. Professing christians are also doing occult practices for example yoga, reiki, visiting fortune tellers, and witchcraft habits. It’s time that professing christians start examining whether they have had a false conversion.

Pastor Pam’s books are essential to keeping yourself armed against spiritual battle from the enemy that can come in numerous ways. She also reveals more about occultism, who is Jesus Sananda Immanual and why you should know about this, and why church goers should be warned to come out and leave.  Here is a link to all of her books. CLICK HERE.

[1] P. Sheppard,  Come Out of Her, God’s People,” 2010, pg. 198

“Together with spiritist activities, magic stands in a class of its own in relation to other sins, when it includes an appeal to Satan’s services or even a formal pact with Satan.  The Bible speaks of this too (Isaiah 28:15-18).  For by invoking Satan, man yields himself unequivocally to powers of darkness, in that he attempts by magic and the help of Satanic power to gain something that God has forbidden or withheld.”[2]

[1] Printed in Great Britain by Gospel Press, South Molton, Devon, pg.

[2] Dr. Alfred Lechler, “Demonism and Psychotherapy” Lecture given to the conference of doctors and pastors at Hohe Mark on 7/5/1949.

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Opened Chakras and Speaking in Tongues Can Lead To Possession

I am a part of  a very small, rather elite group of professional therapists who employ counseling to set people free from demons.  One of those clinicians was the late Kurt Koch from Germany.  I was reading his book published in 1973 where he presented a discussion, comparing real mental illness to  being demonized.  Tongues  entered into the discussion as a sign of possession! 

  There is a lot to learn from Koch.  Sure, he was an I accept Jesus person, yet he had a lot of cases and so his findings are important.  What gets me is the connection he makes to tongues as a sign of being demonized.  Here are the words of Koch:

The greatest difference, however, between psychosis (mental illness) and occult subjection is the ability of a possessed person to speak in a foreign language while in a state of trance. This is not to be confused with genuine glossolalia, a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is rather a demonic counterpart to speaking in tongues. I know of both witch doctors and spiritist mediums who are able to speak in foreign languages while in ecstasies or in a trance. I can give you an example of this from Australia. A missionary friend of mine with whom I once worked, told me of an incident he knew about where six tribal witch doctors, following a long ceremonious  procedure, finally began to speak in foreign languages with voices not their own. If I had the time I could go on to describe further characteristic differences between psychoses and possession. The conflict one meets with possessed people involve realms which transcend rational thought and understanding.

The key word here is “in a state of trance.” A very popular and dangerous practice today is to enter into a trance by meditation, yoga and other Eastern practices whose primary goal is to open the chakras.   In sync with this goal, is the Charismatic practice of speaking in tongues. With a complete misunderstanding of I Corinthians 14:14 where it reads “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my mind is unfruitful.”  All the Apostle Paul meant in this verse  is that such praying is without understanding.  Paul is NOT suggesting that are minds should be empty of thought or inactive.  He simply  meant that we are praying without understanding when we speak in a language that we do not understand.

Most churchgoers receive tongues at a Charismatic or a Pentecostal church altar.  They are told to chant, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” or some version of hallelujah, or to listen to the tongues of others with an opened mouth and a blank mind.  Is this practice not occult? Satanists teach that there are words of power that one can choose to open and empower the chakras. They teach that there was once in Egypt and Chaldea a science of this ‘nature language’ or “tongue of gods.” Therefore, a chakra meditation consists of not only visualizing and breathing techniques, but also the vibrating of  a word or phrase  of power to actually open each chakra.

Meditation to open chakras is dangerous because evil spirits are looking for the altered state of consciousness, aka a trance, which meditation brings about through deep breathing, visualization and various other practices used at church altars like chanting out a word or phrase of power in order to speak in tongues.

For more info on Christians, the occult and chakra, you need The Church of the Endtime Zombies. Two thirds of this 300 page book deals with the dangers of Christians experimenting with opening chakras.


Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperbook



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Deception in End-Times: God Is In Control!

In order for truth to set us free, we are going to be challenged in all ways, spirit, soul, body, and mind. Challenges emerge from  people, places, and things, attitudes, and beliefs. The  main challenge  is linked to our assumptions.” Many of us don’t realize it but we assume God is not in control, and that we need to help Him out with everything. Part of walking in the spirit is to walk by faith knowing that God is ordering our steps. If you’ve had a false conversion and you know it, that was God. God has ordered your steps to know it. The word of God says that God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Now you have some knowledge that you can work with.

Don’t panic and try to figure out  “what must I do now?” What you must do now is wait. We need to learn how to wait. If things are going along the way God wants them to go along, then you may not hear from Him. Think about walking a dog. The dog is on a chain, and he’s walking along, and then he moves over into an area or a location where the one who’s walking him doesn’t want him to go, and a tug is placed on that chain. That’s kind of how walking in the spirit is. You’re walking by faith. God has got the path laid out, and He’s even got the trouble spots there for a reason. Don’t just think that because you ran into trouble or it looks like you failed in a particular situation that God was not guiding your journey. With decades to look back on and review, I  see God  in my failures because in His divine wisdom, He knew  that I would learn and retain  more wisdom from my  failures than from my apparent successes, particularly where my  productivity was not a struggle.

Bearing fruit is cultivated and refined by trouble and tribulation. So, when you have a piece of information that doesn’t sit well with you, and you say “Well why didn’t God tell me before? Why is it that I spent so many years in the Institutional Church and I was blind? Why didn’t He come to me before?” when I was finally undeceived, I never asked God such questions.  Why not? Well, because I have been blessed with  too much respect and fear of the Lord.  Not fear derived from panic, but sheer homage and respect.  So I am careful not  to question Him about His timing.  Even though I came into the church without any religious background, God took  28 years before my  blinders started coming off.  The issue I had to come to terms with is an assumption that the three dreams I had that compelled me to go to a particular  local denominational church DID NOT COME FROM GOD. As the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil,  the Holy Spirit led me into a a local church to be deceived. As such,  He allowed the enemy to send me  those three dreams. Why would God do such a thing? Well,  He had His reasons. I  could not do the work that I  am chosen to do if I  had no background in the IC.  I would not be able to understand what those of you who He is calling out  of Her now have been through if I  had not been through it myself.

So yes, the enemy is put into the plan by God Himself.

 Consequently, I have  never asked  God, “why did You wait so long?” Nor did I  go running around to other people or to other ministries to  desperately confirm what God was saying and doing with me. Actually,  I  never looked for anybody’s approval or disapproval.  I  just kept moving forward. I simply  shook  all  religious dust from my feet. If people reject  what I teach and practice, I  leave them alone.  I don’t sulk.  I am too busy  preparing myself for those who WILL hear my voice. . As far as those who don’t hear, I say to myself  “Maybe they’ll come back around again, perhaps  they won’t.” that is it.  My thoughts on those who reject my teachings are brief and impersonal. The problem is too broad, too severe to get stuck on any individual.  When I am about the business of  moving forward, I don’t challenge my equilibrium by turning around to look back.  I keep in mind  that God is in control. He is in control of what He will allow the enemy to do  to one of His own. He is in control. Period.

Think about Job. The enemy could do this, this, and this, but couldn’t do that. He couldn’t take Job’s life. There was something that God wanted Job to learn from that experience and he learned it. What Job learned was to stop being so religious because his religion was based in fear. After all,   the very thing Job feared came upon him.  So Job  learned to trust God, because  He,— God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit— is in control, and He’s guiding our steps.

So be warned that the Lord   will resist the proud. Spiritual pride can be our strongest enemy. .

So when you feel and even say things  like “how could I have been deceived, how could I have been so stupid,” you should understand this.  Present day deception is not new.  In fact, it  has been going on for centuries. So just be happy when God wakes you up. Don’t get all offended. God resists the proud. So receive your grace  by your humility.

Are you being undeceived and you want some personal advice, complete the contact form below:


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How To Witness To Religious Churchgoers: Who Are the Birds?

One of the reasons that makes  witnessing to churchgoers both difficult and unpleasant  is because  they have not yet heard from the Lord in a revelatory way.  Most of the religious  believe that if your argument is not bible-based, then it is not worth listening to.  So, a way to get through to them is using the scriptures in red.  In other words, “What did the Lord Jesus say?”  Use the Lord’s own words to reveal the truth to them.

The Lord  Jesus presented a group of kingdom of heaven parables, most of which He did not explain, but he left some clues. One of the clues as depicted in Matthew 13, is the birds. Therefore, when you’re keeping things very general, your focus is to  rely on what the Lord said, what the Lord shared. Consequently,  ask your religious churchgoer,” what do you think that parable means?”  Listen to what they say. You also  ask questions. First of all  Ask them, “what do the birds represent?”  They won’t know.  So remaining focused and patient, you highlight   the verse which most people know by taking him, her or them  to the parable of the mustard seed  that grew into a large tree.

The trunk of that tree is the Catholic church, and the branches of that tree that come out of that trunk are the plethora of Protestant denominations and non-­denominations that have been formed since the 1500’s. . Protestantism  are the branches of that tree. There should be no argument that the tree is  the system of the Institutional Church. So in this context, you can also clarify that the Body of Christ is not the Institutional Church where believers gather together for Sunday morning worship. So it will be relatively easy  to distinguish the difference between the Body of Christ and the Institutional Church. It follows that  you should be able to get agreement that  the body of Christ consists of every born again person who ever lived, who’s living now, and who ever will live. Clearly,  the body of Christ and  the institution of church and religion are not the same.

Once these matters are clarified, then continue to interpret  the mustard seed  parable.  Next consider the birds, nestling in the branches. Now you can make the point  that the non-Catholic denominations have the devil as well as the Catholics.   The trunk is the Catholic church! The people who started the Protestant churches were  themselves  originally Catholics,  believers  who left Catholicism who started a whole new branch of religion. Your major point is this.   the Catholics are the trunk of the tree and  Protestants are the branches. . In the Protestants we have the denominations and the non-­denominations. Simple. Keep it simple.

Now, some believe  that the Catholic church is of God , but it’s the branches that spoiled things. Others believe  that God set up the branches , therefore  it’s the Catholic church that is demonic.  “Oh, forget about the Catholics, they’re all  about witchcraft, with their worshipping the saints and all that, they bigtime got the devil. But the denominations, I mean, these are the ones, this is the true church.” No. Make it plain that one comes out of the other. In fact, there is a movement going forth today to unite the Protestants back with the Catholics.

Then ask the question, ” who are the birds?”  THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!

  Once  Jesus used a symbol, it makes sense that the symbol  will have a similar meaning when  He uses it again. In Matthew 13, known as the parable of the Sower,  the Lord is metaphorically discussing the reasons why some hearers of the word do not become  born again.  Jesus shared that the one who hears the word by the wayside do not become born again because the birds come and eat the seed.  Later on in that chapter, the Lord interprets His parable to the apostles, revealing that the birds are wicked beings. They are evil spirits: fallen angels and demons.

So, go back and look at the mustard seed parable concerning the birds in the branches of the institutional church system. Keeping things simple, if the birds were demons in the parable of the Sower , than Jesus is  giving us a clue that the birds up in the branches of the mustard seed parable are evil spirits  also. So if the birds up in the branches are demons. believe me, the Catholic church is also run by fallen angels. In other words, in His office as a Prophet,  the Lord revealed that Fallen angels and demons would one day be  in control of  the Institutional Church.

Perhaps you will be asked if you believe  God ever been involved with Institutional  Church? To answer this question  refer to the  first two or three chapters of the book of Revelation, where a message is sent from the Lord , not to the church, but to the angel of the church. Clearly,  God’s  angels play an important role in the operation of the Institutional Church, and seeing as it was a Roman emperor–Constantine— who started the Institutional Church in 313AD, it doesn’t take too much common sense to realize that the angels who are in control of the Institutional Church today are fallen, they’re not God’s angels.

From the book of Revelation, God’s angels were involved in the churches at  Ephesus, Smyrna, and Philadelphia.  For example,  point out that the Churches at Pergamos and Thyatira   reads a lot like the Catholic Church as Laodicea clearly represents the Protestant churches of  our times. So it would be beneficial if you spent with those seven letters.

 Churchgoers, both traditional and charismatic tend to leap from topic to topic.  In this case, you must stay focused by making only a few points. .  The major point you should make is God’s relationship to the institutional church according to the words of Jesus in His parables and in the book of Revelation. The average committed churchgoer is going to defend THEIR local  church and their pastor., with defenses like  “oh, well my church doesn’t do what these charismatic churches do, they don’t ask for tithes, they don’t teach this, they don’t teach that.”

You have to point out that certainly there are righteous, sincere people in some of the churches, both pastors and laity. The question is “Do you want to be in a church that regardless of how committed and faithful the people seem, their organization is run by fallen angels and demons?”  The birds in the branches is the bottom-line to consider!  Until a religious, deceived person comes to the realization that Satan, the god of this world, is in control of their beloved church edifice and system , is it really safe to worship there?  The next question to address is “what about the plagues that the Lord mentions in Rev 18:4 when He warns “Come out of Her My People, less you partake of Her sins and receive of Her plagues.”

In fact, where are God’s people for the most part?  Let the churchgoer answer that question.   The very first place even an atheist will think of is “the Institutional Churches. “

This is all very simple.  The enemy keeps the confusion complicated so that churchgoers will protest with all kinds of explanations, rationalizations  and excuses for continuing to do what the Lord has warned them not to do.

If you have any personal comments to make or questions to ask that you would prefer to keep private, then complete the contact form below:

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Setting Captives Free: The Strongholds by Pam Sheppard

One of the steps or stages  in the deliverance process is uncovering and tearing down strongholds which include blockages and personality defects.

“A  blockage or a stumblingblock is an interconnection of a person(s), a place or surrounding, an event, a personality defect or a thing that demons continue to employ to cause the captive to fall. Often there is something in the captive’s personality or character that draws him either by attraction or seduction to perform an act that proves to be detrimental, by acting as a doorway for particular demons.Usually the stronghold is upheld by a particular sin, serving as a stimulator to the weight that continues to beset the captive.

A stronghold may consist of one demon or a constellation of demons. The bigger the stronghold, the more unproductive the client’s spiritual life will be.Upon searching for strongholds, we prepare  the captive to face them squarely by recognizing factors and issues that may lie in either his subconscious or even the unconscious mind. In this regard, dream interpretation is an important tool in uncovering subliminal strongholds, the deliverance coaches I  train seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him to uncover that which is hidden so that the captive can receive a powerful insight that might be earth shattering. For example, consider a captive who was raised in the church. She strongly believes that she is saved because of her church affiliation and the fact that she speaks in tongues. The captive in this example never suspected that her inability to contend with demons is because she never got born again while attending church. However, the Lord has revealed to the coach  that He has allowed the demons to torment her because her eternal salvation was in the balance. In other words, the torment drove the captive to us to seek  help, so that the Lord could open up the captive’s eyes so that she could perceive her true spiritual condition.

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Some captives are very invested in maintaining the power of their stronghold, even though they would like to be relieved from torment. Consider a person who is out on the ledge of a highrise apartment house, trying to get into the window of her apartment which is several feet to the left of her. In order to reach her destination, she must avoid looking down or to the right to avoid getting dizzy or distracted and end up falling to her death. Similarly, a person bound by a stronghold may try to avoid any deviation from his usual patterns for fear that he may fall. The course that the captive has developed over time consists of unconscious defense mechanisms, designed on a subliminal level to keep the captive on his path, even though the captive would agree that the path he has chosen is destructive.

As an example, a female captive who is dependent upon an abusive partner will be hindered from making any independent moves of her own. As such, those in the bondage to a stronghold most likely lack spontaneity of feeling, thought and/ or willpower, making his soul weak and unstable. Each stronghold will create a specific fear or doubt as well as an accompanying behavior of his self concept and pride system. Captives who are in bondage to their own self-created stronghold will often attribute the strength of the stronghold to evil spirits , when in fact, casting out the demons will not bring any relief. In a case of this kind, the stronghold is embedded in the captive’s personality defect. The evil spirits  take advantage of the personality defect. So through deliverance coaching and/or counseling, it is imperative to deal with the personality defect prior to casting out demons, for they will eventually return.

My approach is to first  successfully deal with the defect, and to not   be surprised if the demon walks away on its own.”

For a deeper understanding of deliverance issues, click here for Faces of the Religious Demon, Be Delivered from Deliverance Ministry, And Church of the End-time Zombies for both ebooks and paperbacks.


If you are in agreement that addressing  strongholds, personality defects and blockages are crucial to setting captives free, then you may desire to work with us. If so, when you complete the contact form, please  provide a summary description of your deliverance situation in the comment box.


Filed under coaching, deliverance, deliverance ministry, deliverance training, DEMONIC DOORWAYS, demons and devils

Causes of Stress Among the Religious

jana3Stress is pressure that causes us to worry and fret. It is diametrically opposed to the words of the Lord, when He admonishes us to “FRET NOT!” Stress eats away at those who are vexed to a point that an irritation is birthed, that functions like a living organism. Stress becomes a tangled thing that can eat away or gnaws at you in spirit, soul and body like a tapeworm or even a CANCER.

Those who are stressed tend to also be nervous. They become easily excited, then agitated, then annoyed. Then paranoid.

The paranoia of the stressed leads to fear or apprehension. Stressed people are filled with misgivings that cause them to be distrustful about their future, where the mind anticipates something unfavorable or even sinister is about to happen.

The opposite of stress is peace. When there is a lack of peace in someone who professes to be born again, my eyebrow is raised, because peace is an important fruit of the spirit.

A lack of peace is also an indication that trust and faith in God is out of reach. But on a carnal, everyday level, there are certain issues and conditions that contribute to stress.

I find that insecure people, which includes do gooders and people pleasers are often stressed. Nothing they do for others is ever enough. They start to harbor bad feelings against those they claim they once helped and cared for. Passive people just fall deeper and deeper in their own self-created trap, while The aggressive ones are generally stressed because they are too self-centered and ambitious. Narcissistic types are never satisfied with a blessing because they think they deserve so much more. So when they never receive in life what they expected, stress sets in and establishes a stronghold for the enemy to use to his advantage.

Then again, the wicked are often stressed. As it says in proverbs, the wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

What is the root of the stress you have experienced in life? If you need help with stress, complete the contact form below.


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False Prophets in the IC and Divination

Divination within the organized church community is called “prophecy” or discernment. Power hungry folk aim at controlling the lives and destinies of gullible people. Pulpits are filled with diviners and soothsayers—“charismatic hype masters”—that have no other message but one that caters to our flesh. Like the occult card layers, the divination of old has progressively worsened in our time because the “church community” is flooded with countless pseudo-prophets as it sweeps across worldwide Christendom, it leaves some devastated people in its path.

This is going on repeatedly. Every president in the last 20 years has been demonized and called the Antichrist.  When these so called prophets are wrong, do they apologize and correct themselves?  No.  Scores of books have been written, identifying 9/23/15 as a day of  nationwide doom.  Today is 11/18/15 and I suspect that those who made thousands of dollars off of their doomsday books are preparing for their next hoax. Did they predict the 11/13/15 attack on Paris?  No they did not!

Here is an excerpt from the “New Idolatry.”cover_new_idolatry Click here for paperback and click  here for the e-book

As they prophesy presumptuously in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, declaring things that He has NOT spoken to them is comparable to New Age divination. As they boldly and confidently declare, “thus saith the Lord,” fallen religious angels are leading God’s people away from the truth. Any power or influence that seeks to control the future of others is unquestionably demonic.

Here the TRUE word of the Lord on such matters:

 “I will bring such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth it both his ears shall tingle. And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab; and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.” (II Kings 21:12,13)

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Soul and Spirit: How They Function

Understanding the Soul



Shortly after I was born again, the Holy Spirit showed me some things about my soul. I had a particular life situation in my 20’s that I corrected from the bootstrap perspective. I turned a tramp into a lady.

Once I was saved, God showed me that even though on the outside I was a lady, I still held on to a tramp mentality in my soul which means  I was still a tramp in my mind. As a result, my emotions and feelings were not healed because  I had  hid this fact from myself really well. However, once the Holy Spirit  caused me to be born again by overpowering my dark spirit with the light of His presence, I actually became a lady immediately, well before my soul realized it.

My point is that  even though I was born again in the spirit, I still had to work out the salvation of my soul, which is a lifetime process.

To work out our soul’s salvation, we need to understand what our soul is and what its nature is. The soul has two natures, one good and one evil. You know it yourself. You can even find some good in a serial killer.

According to psychoanalytic theory, every human soul called the ego, has a dark side that is ruled by its lusts and passions. Combined with the body, the dark side of the soul is disobedient, willful, unruly, rebellious, hedonistic, in a constant search for immediate gratification of the senses of our body. In other words, “I see it, I want it, I MUST have it.”

The body is instinctual— motivated by biological urges and appetites that can only be temporarily appeased. KEY WORDS FOR THE FLESH ARE “LUST” AND “DESIRE!” However, the good side of our soul is balanced by a rational mind, willpower, emotions and feelings— faculties that constitute our personality.

Now besides individual personality, the soul itself has additional parts: mind, emotions, feelings, the heart or the cardia. Our will is also a part of the soul. As the instrument of our thoughts, the mind is the source of information, understanding and reasoning. Likewise, The willpower is the faculty for decision making, with the power of choice. It expresses either willingness or unwillingness: ie. “I will or I won’t!” The instrument for our “likes or dislikes, is the faculty of emotion.

God does not control our souls. In fact, He gave us will power and intelligence, expecting us to control it.

So when The Lord spoke to me regarding my “Lady and the Tramp issue,” He was not criticizing me for using my own natural faculties to pull myself up by my bootstraps. THAT IS A GOOD THING. He was just explaining to me that now that I had become born again, the nature of my spirit was changed from light to darkness. Consequently, If I walk in the spirit, I will not fulfill the lust of my flesh as a born again child of God. In this instance, the flesh is not the body. The flesh is the nature of the soul.

Here is an important thing to remember once you are born again. The spirit is immediately changed from darkness to light. The soul is still the same but it will be renewed and transformed by your new life in the spirit. The body RARELY changes. Also, the flesh is not always the body. When the bible refers to “the flesh,” it is a synonym for the carnal mind or carnality, human nature without God.

Make no mistake. The flesh is STILL there when we are born again. that is why we must crucify it, rendering it dead.

This is our job also. That is why we work out the salvation of our soul with fear and trembling. The Holy Ghost with help but if He is grieved, He will stand back and let us self-destruct. I have my share of falling as a born again person but ultimately, I received grace once I repented.

Some who become born again fall for the teaching of the IC that now that you have a new spirit, just sit back, become passive and let God become your puppet master. I know from personal experience that if you do that, the fake Jesus aka Jesus Sananda Immanuel  will send one of his religious spirits–a fallen angel or a demon—to   leap in on you like white on rice. Since these evil spirits  can not  torment you,  they  will use yet another weapon: DECEPTION. Your spirit is off limits to him but your soul is not.

The books that best address teachings on spirit, soul and body are Faces of the Religious Demon, Recovery in Christ, and the latest one, The Church of the End-time Zombies: A Guide to Religious detox.  Find these books by clicking here.


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