Christian Mysticism and the Days of Noah


    Charismatic witchcraft is akin to mysticism. What is mysticism? Mysticism is the sensual expectation of a relationship with God and dealings with the spirit realm. By sensuous religiosity, mysticism seeks a climactic  epiphany  quite similar to a sexual orgasm.  Mystics want to know God intimately through their physicality. In other words,   mystics want to see, touch, feel, and be one with God NOW. The mystic asks “Why can’t we feel God? See Him? Go deeper and deeper with Him, into deeper levels of intimacy?” [1]  What they don’t perceive is that we know Him by faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.  Faith is a substance that transcends the senses.

     The mystic does not accept the fact that our salvation is not yet complete.—that the only aspect of our being that is saved or “born again”  is our spirits.  The hunger “to know and be known” is good, but coupled with the discontented impatience, and a low or distorted view of scripture, and you have a mystic. The mystic relegates the work of the Spirit  to the level of sensual manifestation. People are trying to feel God.  Charismatic believers tend to be mystical. The mystical application of charismatic witchcraft is to teach  people to look for the anointing, the “force of faith and grace,” the power to heal, and the activity of God through physical sensations. As a result Charismatic Christians are tuned into   “tingling,”  seeing a “radiant glow,” expecting to tremble,  to feel electricity, and a host of other supernatural manifestations.[2]

      The widespread infestation of the Fake Jesus, first among the occultists  and now within the organized church  is probably the single most important contribution of the  new age movement  to the infiltration of a cleverly hidden  evil that looks and sounds humanitarian, peaceful and loving. The ascended masters  claim to be  overseeing the spiritual  development of the human race on both an individual level and on a global plane. According to various accounts, there is a distinct hierarchy of “fallen ”  in operation to build a kingdom for their master Sunat Kamura, whom  the bible calls Satan.

      Through consciousness-altering techniques of yoga, transcendental meditation, channeling, chanting, drugs and hypnosis, millions of New Agers  have allegedly received visitations from disembodied beings  who have masqueraded as benevolent spirits, duping their hosts into believing that they are  sent from God to fulfill His Divine Plan. Yet as depicted in the Book of Genesis, it is a more highly favored achievement for a fallen angel  to be able to manifest in the flesh as they did in the days just prior to the flood.  In the Lord’s  warnings about the last days just prior to His second coming, Jesus compared the endtimes to “the days of Noah.”

     Let’s take the ministry of Benny Hinn as an example.  It is extremely “mystical” and “sensuous.”  Those who follow and support Benny Hinn  may not have noticed that he has been wrong in many of his predictions.  However, in both his prayers and his prophecies, Hinn has called for the appearances of spiritual entities to “show up” in churches, not as spirits but “manifested in the flesh.”  If and when this prediction comes to pass, could this be the “abomination of desolation?”  Surely, demons are once again trying to take on flesh, not by coming through the door of the womb of a woman as did Jesus, but they are definitely  “climbing up” another way—trying to re-play  “the days of Noah.” The demons that infested the earth in Noah’s day are chained in hell yet, there are other high-ranking principalities of the air whose ambition it is to be “embodied.” We don’t doubt that demons have infested human  bodies who   dress up on Sunday,  go to  to church, and even speak in tongues.  However the worst of it is the ever-increasing reports of churchgoing women who are having sexual encounters in their bedrooms with spirits. We are in “the Days of Noah, for sure!

  The book entitled the New Idolatry: Charismatic Witchcraft, Deliverance and Other Counterfeits  clearly describes the connection between the  21st century  with  Noah’s Day:

“The bible and the book of Enoch only highlight ONE sign of Noah’s day: the sexual  copulation between fallen angels and human women–resulting in the birth of the giants, also known as the Nephilim.  In fact, the book of Enoch reveals that the demons that  the Lord cast out in His first coming  2000 years ago were the very same spirits of the offspring of Noah’s day—a hybrid human species, half angel and half human whose bodies died in the flood and whose spirits roam the earth. The truth is that the spirits of the Nephilim have never left the earth.  They are the very same demons that are destroying human flesh in this hour.”

[2] Ibid

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