Category Archives: incubus

How the False Church Was Created By Freemasons

The strategy to obtain channels and  followers of New Age occultism is relatively routine among the masquerading  fallen angels.They simply  cater to the work of the human  flesh that loves the supernatural.   Once they hook a follower,  religious spirits   never tell their  human targets  the dirty, down and dark  side of their real mission and purpose. Nor  do they reveal that they actually serve Satan.  Yet, not denying their god, they just switched a few letters around and refer to Satan as “Sanat” Kamura.   These so-called “ascended masters”  lure and entice people to follow them either directly or indirectly—-authoring books through them and prospering their lives in material and soulish ways.  Channels are attracted to and  lured by the positive side of the message based upon  the desires of their own hearts.  And since the human heart is deceitfully or secretively wicked, these human channels have not been difficult targets for deception  by high level fallen  whose commander-in-chief is Satan.

Clearly, with professing Christians who serve and worship the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, Sananda and his evil troops and human helpers were forced to  resort to  deception. Their strategy is to employ counterfeit manifestations of the spirit  so as to  infiltrate  the minds of professing Christians to accept  false practices, false doctrine and the deceptions of  false prophets. Even though Sananda  is the  chief fallen angel  that imitate the Son of God,   other demons “ascended masters” play  a part in what they refer to as “the Christ consciousness.” Imitation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by Sananda and the others is  either with or  without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without BOTH.

For example, through several channels, Sananda basically reports  that at the cross,  he was not dead but comatose and that the other Ascended Masters revived him and he fled to India.  No surprise. The  Fake Jesus defies the resurrection. The demon Sananda was certainly at the cross invisibly, yet  not on the cross physically,  As Sananda mocked Jesus  with the rest of the demons–the ones whom King David prophesied as “the bulls of Bashan,” (Psalm 22) but at the cross, Sananda was merely a disembodied demon.  The results of  our study have shed light on why  so many churchgoers  have not understood the bodily resurrection of the Only Begotten Son of God. They have been unknowingly worshipping the fake Jesus, Sananda Immanuel–the one who denies the Lord’s bodily resurrection.

As one manifestation of the Fake Jesus, Sananda’s influence  is more apparent among the Mormons, Roman and Independent Catholics, the Christian Scientists,  the 7th Day Adventists,   the Jehovah Witnesses, and other so-called Christians that have changed the word of God, some of them “ever so slightly.”  Each of these allegedly Christian sects have perverted  the gospel in one way or another.  However,   this  “imposter god” has also drawn  out followers through the preaching of the prosperity message,  “a millionnaire Jesus.” “Name it and claim it” is also a Sananda influence.  We are gods with a small “g” is straight up Sananda. Kingdom theology. Peace and unity.  Let’s take the kingdom and put our foot on the devil.   In other words, word of faith, non-denominational Charismatics and Pentecostals  have more subtlely changed  the nature and character of Jesus Christ of Nazareth with their “new doctrines”  and their  neglecting to preach the meaning of the cross and the Lord’s  bodily resurrection.

Consequently, it could very well be that  there are very few bona-fide Christians who have not come under Sananda’s influence, more or less.  Those who came to know Jesus Christ through the organized church have come to know the Jesus of their understanding, embraced him, fallen in love with his compassion, his suffering, his goodness, his mercy, his peace, his power to heal etc.  Countless of them  became devoted followers of the Jesus of their understanding.   However, without an understanding of the Lord’s bodily  resurrection and the true meaning of the cross, neither the devoted believer nor the hypocrite is  saved.   The expression  “He rose from the dead” has become  meaningless, religious  verbage,–a  lifeless “tag on” to the cross.  Without an understanding of the BODILY resurrection of the Lord, the Apostle Paul warned the Corinthian believers that their faith was vain and they were still in their sins.” (I cor 15;17) If any of them were still in their sins, then all of their speaking in tongues and other supernatural manifestations were not of God.  If they were not of God, then they were of the enemy. Below is an excerpt from the book “New Idolatry’ concerning  yet another clever way the enemy used to infiltrate the organized church:

        Several  Masonic defectors have exposed the deeper things of freemasonry in various books and articles. From a personal perspective, the denomination I served  was  overrun with freemasons of the Prince Hall Lodge in high leadership positions in  both the pulpits and the pews.  In fact,  if you trace the history of most denominations you will find freemasons among its founders.  In “Come Out of Her, God’s People,” and “Faces of the Religious Demon,” I expose the ramifications of the infiltration of freemasonry in the African American church and the backlash of destructive plagues that have overtaken the family members of ministers and laity who are freemasons.  Cisco Wheeler, a  former freemason within  the Illuminati, has exposed the secret agenda for church membership.  In a transcribed radio interview, Cisco chillingly uncovered how by becoming part of the church as  an ordained minister, a leader of youth groups, and a friend and associate to church elders and the board of directors of Pentecostal churches, her father spread freemasonry into the churches. Cisco’s words are chilling:

“In the late forties, the Illuminati wanted to infiltrate the churches because they understood the power of God within the structure of the church, and they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the Holy Spirit that works within the church.  They (the Illuminati) had to find a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to bring the world into the churches so that the churches wouldn’t be so strong spiritually.  That was part of my father’s job.  In order to do that, my father married my mother who was not Illuminati, but she had a very strong religious background.  My mother was that perfect example for the world, that perfect wife for the church to set examples for other young women in the church.  When my father married her, that was his way to infiltrate the church through my mother.”[1]

     With Cisco Wheeler’s father as only one freemason among perhaps  thousands or even millions brainwashed with the same mindset of church infiltration through marriage to a Christian woman, it is interesting that idolatry obtained a foothold in the church by the late 40’s.  Similarly,  it was in the late 40’s that alien encounters became a matter of public and governmental attention, dealt with in more substance in Chapter  7.

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Filed under false conversions, freemasonry, incubus, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, resurrection

Sex With Devils In Endtimes

An Excerpt from “the New Idolatry.”

JESUS  predicted that endtimes would be like the days of Noah.  Beside the flood, the most outstanding feature of Noah’s day was the reason for the flood as revealed in Genesis Chapter 6–namely that fallen angels found a way to have sex with human women and they produced an offering known as the giants, aka the Nephilim. When all is said and done, if we accept the Book of Enoch, the spirit beings who specialize in sex with human beings are not evil spirits or demons but fallen angels who are NOT human and who have never been human..

Here is a passage taken from the book of Enoch:

Ch. 18:10 And I saw a great abyss of the earth, with pillars of heavenly fire, and I saw among them fiery pillars of Heaven, which were falling.

11 And as regards both height and depth, they were immeasurable.

12 And beyond that abyss I saw a place which had no firmament of heaven above, and no firmly founded earth beneath: there was no water on it, and no birds,

12 But it was a desert and a horrible place. I saw there seven stars like great burning mountains

13 And an angel questioned me regarding them. The angel said: “This place is the end of heaven and earth.

14 This has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord in the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.

15 And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time when their guilt should be consummated even for ten thousand years.

Chapter 19: 1: And Uriel said to me: The angels who have had sex with women shall stand here, and their spirits, having assumed many different forms, are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods, here shall they stand, until the day of the great judgment in which they shall be judged and are made an end of.

2 And the women also who went astray shall become sirens.

3 And I, Enoch, alone saw the vision, the ends of all things: and no man shall see as I have seen.

In summary, the book of Enoch reports of the union of angels and humans resulting in bloodthirsty giants who scar the earth and abuse its inhabitants. The angels, or watchers as they are called, also contributed to humanity’s decline in Noah’s day by introducing all sorts of forbidden arts. Although these angels come to be imprisoned at the ends of the earth, their spirits continue to wreak havoc by inciting humans to commit idolatry (see 1 En. 19:1). Yet what of the women who associated with the watchers? As if an afterthought, 1 En. 19:2 briefly recounts the fate of these women as well. According to the Greek manuscript tradition, the wives of the angels who transgressed are to become sirens, mythological creatures often associated with seduction. Perhaps this is what is called “incubus.”

The book of Enoch and the Bible indicate that the angels who had sex with women are imprisoned forever. They shall not ascend into heaven again for all eternity, and they are bound on earth for all eternity. (Enoch Ch 14: 5) So if these angels are bound forever, then who are the entities who are having sex with women today?

I believe the answer is in Enoch, Ch 19:1, namely, the jailed angels have the capacity to “take on many forms.” Therefore, though jailed, they can still “transport” their spirits similar to what occultist refer to as “astral travel.”

For those who do no not accept the veracity of the Book of Enoch, I can think of a few other possibilities. .For example, perhaps more of God’s angels have fallen from heaven in modern times, long after the bible was written and published. Nevertheless, from a biblical perspective emerges yet another possibility. Since there is an indication that the abyss will be opened in the last days and entities referred to as locusts will ascend upwards from the bottomless pit in the last generation., perhaps the pit has already been opened.

Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.

Yet another possibility, as depicted in Revelation 12, the war in heaven may have already taken place and Satan may no longer be in the heavens but he is now only able to roam about on earth. Likewise, when Satan is kicked out of the heavens, so are his angels. Surely, among Satan’s angels are those who, like their predecessors in Noah’s time, lust after women and have sex with them while the women have entered into passivity, facilitated by an altered state of consciousness. This is a potentially viable possibility, since most of the women who report a sexual encounter indicate that it happened at bedtime when they were half sleep and half awake. Nevertheless, my theories lead to the conclusion that spirits that engage in sex with women are NOT DEMONS.

So who are they? I believe that they are the very same fallen angels though bound in hell, remain capable of astral projecting one of their numerous forms into the bedrooms of Christian women. If you have experienced spirit rape, help is available. Call 518-477-5759

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Filed under Days of Noah, fallen angels, incubus, Nephilim, spirit rape