Category Archives: false conversions

Religious Demons Don’t Discriminate Between Saved and Unsaved

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

Some may think that to be born again stops all deception. If you have been reading my books and blogs or watching my videos, then you realize that when I was in the occult, I dealt with spirits outright. I had what was called spirit guides or guardians to whom I communicated every day. I called, they answered. They called, I answered. Once I got born again, the spirits changed their tactics, to try to cause me to believe I was communicating with God and for 25 years, they were successful.


First, an entity imitating God sent me three dreams that told me the same thing. I was urged to find Rev. Smith. Pushed and compelled by unseen forces, finally I followed their instructions and I found him. Immediately, I joined his church, where I entered into ministry two years later.

This is the key point to remember. I WAS BORN AGAIN!!! I followed the spirit’s guidance, deceived into believing that I was being led of the Holy Ghost. Instead, I was being led by a religious demon whose intent was to get me to join that evil, sinful church, pastored by Rev. Smith, a down low Jamaican warlock. Once a minister in training, I became in bondage to a wicked, corrupt international denomination.

The purpose of my personal example is to make a general point.

If the enemy can dupe and deceive the saved, what do you think religious demons can do with those who have had a false conversion who still believe they are saved but they are not?

Just because a person is born again does not make them “deception proof.”

The Lord would not have warned His disciples to “take heed and be not deceived” if there was no danger that they COULD be deceived. It does not matter how many things you are or were deceived about. In my case, for 25 years, I was deceived about a few things in comparison to what other churchgoers were deceived about. Yet the Holy Spirit did not release me from the deception until He was ready to. He simply stepped in when He chose the time to be right and started unravelling things.

What I remain cautious and watchful about is this. Just because I am undeceived NOW, does not mean that it is impossible for me to be deceived again. For me to think otherwise would be both proud and arrogant and I do not want God to resist me. Humility is a key factor to freedom from deception.

So what is deception?

Deception has to do with thoughts in the mind. Simply put, we believe a lie or a half truth. The worst of it are the assumptions we hold dear, for example, that the institutional church is the bride of Christ when she is not. The Bride is not a building or an organization. The Bride is not just one generation who goes to church. The Bride is spiritual, consisting of all born again believers who have lived and died believing on The Lord. So with even one wrong assumption like my example, deception will continue.

So The truth is that if you start off with even one little wrong assumption, everything else falls like dominos.

As I am reading some of the works of some ministers who have a decent portion of truth in their arsenal, I am watching how can those who started out with truth have fallen to deception. It is amazing how the enemy has used the truth truth they began with and led them into a lie. What happens is that the enemy takes advantage of our misconception of truth. He uses the weaknesses of our personalities to lead us into believing what suits us best.

This realization is humbling me quite a bit. I believe that once we are given truth, we have to seek God in prayer to help us not to misunderstand truth for our conception of truth may cause us to err.

So my question is “how do we make ourselves fool-proofed to deception?”

I think we can all answer this from experience. We begin by examining how we got deceived, what was it about us that caused us to be open to the deception, and how did we come out of it?

Consider the work of a grifter, a scam artist in search of a mark. The mark will have a glaring character flaw that the grifter will recognize as being perfect to the productivity and success of the scam. Greed, manifested as a desire to get something that he does not deserve at the expense of others or the system at large. Also the mark’s pride in his own personal sophistication and prowess will stop him from exposing the scam to the police, for fear of looking foolish.

Religious fallen angels and demons operate like grifters and scam artists before they implement their grand deception. Better to know ourselves better than they know us.

Relevant Readings

If you are in the process of being undeceived, your chances of success will be significantly increased with spiritual support from others. If you could use some help, contact RESCUE at 888-818-1117 or send an email to For more info, visit

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Understanding  the Abomination of Desolation: Has It Happened Already? 

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

Clearly it happened once in Jewish history as Daniel predicted that it would.  In the year 167 BC. A Greek ruler, by the name of Antiochus Epiphanies committed two blasphemous acts in the second Jewish temple: He set up an altar to the Greek god Zeus and also he sacrificed a pig on the altar.

The Lord knew of that particular abomination as it occurred some two hundred years BEFORE  His words were recorded in Matthew 24:15.  So clearly, the Lord was prophesying about an event that would transpire in the last days, since the end of the gentile age is the subject matter of Matthew 24.  It stands to reason that in a similar way that the Lord compared the last days  to the days of Noah, in like manner, He also highlighted  the prophecy of Daniel with the caviat of “let the reader understand.”

Now the general understanding of those who interpret endtime signs is that before this particular sign can be fulfilled, the Jews will need to build a new temple.  So we could further assume that the Antichrist will not be revealed until that non existent temple is built in Jerusalem.

But what if that is not the understanding the Lord wants the endtime age to have? 

Whatever the future abomination is, if it is an overt act of the desecration of a Jewish temple, the obvious nature of such an act would not need very much understanding or interpretation.

AT the time that the Lord was questioned about the end of the age and His response recorded by Matthew in the 24th chapter,  the church age had not yet begun but would be shortly ushered in by a few of the Lord’s apostles and disciples on the day of Pentecost. So clearly, it made no sense for the Lord not to reveal at that time how the church age would evolve 2000 years into the future to people who were about to bring forth the age of the church. For to know the end before the beginning would definitely have blocked the motivation of  the apostles and disciples to begin and continue the work of building the church. Rather, it’s the last generation of the elect who truly need “to understand.”

So my question is this.  Suppose the Lord was not referring to the abomination of desolation as a part of Jewish history, but in reality, perhaps He predicted Christian history in its last days?  The accepted understanding within a common endtime understanding is that the Antichrist will establish a covenant with Israel for 7 years and then perform some blasphemous, unspeakable abomination, similar to what Antiochus Ephiphanies did in the second Jewish temple, before it was destroyed in 70 AD.

Yet built into the new covenant, the temple of God is clearly the reborn human spirit.  There are several scriptures to support the belief that the spirit of man is the temple of The Lord, both in the Old Testament and more so in the new.  So what if the abomination of desolation has occurred and is still occurring in the temple or spirit within those who claim to be God’s people?

So consider this. Would it not be an abomination of desolation to go to a church altar, expecting to receive the Holy Ghost into your spirit but instead, you received a  religious demon aka the spirit of the antichrist?

Anyone who knows even a little about kundalini yoga and the 7 chakras are aware of the fact that every human being has 7 spiritual gateways or doorways in his body. Through entering a state of passivity, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, chanting, even speaking in tongues will create an altered state of consciousness (ASC) conducive enough to crack open each  spiritual doorway, one by one. I would include falling slain in the spirit, holy laughter, speaking in tongues, the holy dance, shouting, running around the church, flopping one’s head back and forth, as additional practices that stir up the kundalini spirit and open the 7 doorways.

Chakras are actually doorways for Hindu gods who themselves are really principalities and powers. Each of these entities stand guard over each of the 7 portals: Over the crown is Shiva; the third eye is Hakini, the throat is Savashiva, the navel is Vahni, the sexual organs are Vishnu and Rakeeni, the anus is Brahma and the heart is Isha.

Since no where in the bible does it even suggest that we should “ask Jesus into our hearts,” the fallen angel Isha responds to the unsuspecting seeker’s  “invitation” as a call to the fake Jesus Sananda who Isha serves. So Isha opens the doorway to the heart and  spirits of the antichrist enter the heart doorway and take up residence in one’s “temple.”
So could it not be that the abomination of desolation has already occurred and is still occurring?  The Lord said that if we ask God for bread, HE would not give us a snake or a stone.  Well, I know for a fact that people are asking God to come into their hearts as they surrender their beings to an entity they believe is Christ at the altars of God, when in reality, it’s a fallen angel impersonating the Lord. Could it be that because they are going about it the wrong way, evil spirits have entered their temples?

What could be more abominable or more desolate than THAT?

The Holy  Ghost will not enter a temple where a demon dwells. It must be cast out FIRST.  Only after the demons have left will He enter your spirit and cause you to be born again, becoming  a temple where God Himself dwells.

God could cast it out the spirit of the antichrist Himself.  Yet most often He uses one of His followers to do so. AT RESCUE,  WE can help with this.  Either give us a call at  1-888-818-1117 or email us at

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False Prophets: There Are Many in These Times

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


In ministry since 1981, I know a thing or two about false prophets. Besides the TV mega preachers that I watched for years, I also came to know at least 200 ministers while I was pastoring in a well-known denomination. So from my observations, I have designated 3 different types of false prophets. The deceived, the detoured and the diabolical.

There are those false prophets who are really saved but they followed the wrong leaders, and “sucked into themselves” mixed and false doctrines and practices. In short, they heeded and harkened unto the voice of seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil. However, they have not yet departed from the faith. These I call, “the Deceived.” Some of them will be set free. Because of pride, sad to say, others won’t be. Some false prophets would prefer to be caught up in a scandal than to admit that they taught error and thereby “led the people in the wrong direction, away from God, and not toward Him.” They are too spiritually proud to admit that they did not rightly divide the word of God.

Then there is the false prophet who was once used of God mightily, but he or she got deceived by the enemy and fell into disrepute. These I call “the Detoured.” This man or woman becomes a pretender—one who is very dangerous to those who are babes in Christ or who remain carnal Christians. Their followers “stand by their man” even when they should jump ship. The bible has a classic example of how the detoured “Old Prophet” deceived the man of God, resulting in the latter’s death. (I Kings 13)

Then of course, there is the out-and-out pretender who knows that he or she is serving the spirit of the Anti-Christ and everything they do is a masquerade. These I call “the Diabolical.” They are imposters, planted in among Christians to willfully bring confusion that will lead to destruction.

Every false prophet type— whether the Deceived, the Detoured, and the Diabolical— is equally dangerous. Why? Because they can leave a huge trail of victims.  I am humbled and thankful that although I was on the road to becoming a false prophet, the Holy Ghost jerked my chain, then cut it and broke it.  When  I was deceived by charismatic teachings,” God blessed me by closing doors and blocking me from spreading error. Even though I once had the heart, the skill and the desire of a mega preacher, God purposefully would not allow me to become a popular celebrity.. When a door opened, the Holy Ghost closed it and blocked my way through it. Moreover, among those that I have pastored, even though I personally believed some mixed doctrines, I didn’t teach them to those who allowed me to lead them. So praise God, after 36 years as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have no victims.

For example, I spoke in tongues, but I didn’t teach my followers to do so. I tithed, but I did not preach a “sow a seed,” prosperity gospel. In fact, I was completely self-sustaining. I gave back my church salary in the form of tithes and offerings to the churches that I pastored. When I practiced healing and the laying on of hands, I never told anyone to stop taking their medicine and “walk by faith.” I primarily preached the cross, sin, repentance, rebirth and the resurrection. But make NO MISTAKE. The false prophets of all 3 varieties:— the deceived, the detoured and the diabolical— are equally dangerous! Your prayers for them to repent may NOT prevail. And why not?

In order to repent, the false prophet has to do more than apologize and ask for forgiveness from those he has abused and deceived. If he has been made rich off of the backs of poor people by preaching the prosperity gospel, then God will require him or her to “give back” all of that money to the poor. Not too many false prophets are willing to give up those jet planes, million dollar homes and those Bentleys. Even the false prophets who are NOT mega, many of them have practiced the lie for so long, that it is practically impossible to receive the truth and act on it. Far too many have made “ministry” their career and not their calling.

Ask the Apostle Paul. He maintained as a tent maker. He would not allow any of the churches that he set up to totally provide his livelihood. That is why he could write, “whether abased or exalted, I can do ALL things 4 through Christ who strengthens me.” In other words, JUST SO YOU KNOW, I am not dependent upon YOU to live and to serve my God. When a false prophet’s livelihood is intricately tied to church dollars and resources, he or she is captive to a self-made trap that cannot be escaped from without God’s help. Actually, some false prophets have to be stripped naked to find God again, if they ever knew Him. So if you really think a particular false prophet is deceived, perhaps detoured but not diabolical, then your prayer should be “Lord, strip him.”

A word of caution. The religious demon assigned to me tried to set me up to become  a false prophet.  In several dreams, he showed me standing before huge audiences, walking up and down across a platform with my bible in my hand, preaching and teaching.  He even showed me pastoring a church of about 10,000 people.  Because I sought after the power to slay in the spirit, after 10 years of seeking, I got it. I could wave my hand, and certain ones would fall out, unconscious.  However, I began to question this power because I noticed that the ones in my congregation who fell out the most, were also those who could not STAND for the Lord, relapsing or backsliding constantly.  So I said to myself, “Pam, there is something wrong with this so-called gift. This cannot be from the Holy Ghost!” Once I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to “show me  the darkness,” I got quite the wake-up call that revealed that  the mega preacher phenomena of today is NOT of the Lord.  It is a combination of human charisma, “anointed” by the enemy’s power. My testimony is in “Come Out of Her God’s People.”

So if you are on that road, you need to get off, and get off with a quickness! If you have been burned by a false prophet, there is help.  Call 1-888-818-1117


For more help about how to recover from experiences with false prophets I recommend The Church of the End-Time Zombies. Paperback  and e-book


Faces of the Religious Demon  Paperback and e-book

FACES OF THE RELIGIOUS DEMON: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling

For all books by Pam Sheppard go to

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Filed under born again, carnal Christians, charismatic captivation, charismatic witchcraft, charismatic worship, churchfolk, Cindy Trimm, counterfeit births, deception, demons and devils, evil spirits, false conversions, false doctrine, false prophet, Joel Osteen, JOYCE MEYER, Kenneth Copeland, man of God, prosperity gospel, religious demon, TD Jakes, the gospel of Jesus Christ, truth, word of faith

To Be Born Again, Wait on God’s Call!

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

 I have examined my salvation at least three times according to II Corinthians 5:13, seriously examined it, because it was so supernatural. And the reason my salvation is my only personal possession is because I never accepted Jesus into my heart. I never sought Him. In fact, I did not believe that He actually was a literal human being that lived on Earth. I thought He was a myth, made up by the white man to keep my black  people enslaved with all of His meekness and turn the other cheek behavior, which was not my  personality at all. I was not afraid of hell because I did not believe in hell either. I confess that I was both proud and adamant in my position as an atheist. 

So what I received was a call.

 The problem is that religious folk have “accepted”  Jesus before they heard His call. The call is not about going into ministry. The call is when God is reaching out to you to tell you, “I saved you before I created the foundations of the earth. I knew you when you were in your mother’s womb. Oh atheist Pam, you were an atheist for 33 years, but I knew you, and I called you.” And when you get a call, you get that call on a specific day and time. Now He may have been drawing you for years, and He definitely has sent angels to stand by and protect you to keep the devil from killing you before you heard the call. my day and time was Monday, March 29, 1977 at 4 pm. 

Everybody who is born again who is saved by God hears a call. And where does that call take you? It takes you to the cross. That’s where you gotta go. You gotta go to the cross. And you may not know then the victory of the Lord’s blood, the power of His blood to ruin all the enemy’s plans that he has for you, the power of that blood to keep you. That’s the meaning of baptism, you have been baptized into His death, into His cross and raised out of that water into His resurrection. Lord have mercy. The call will also take you to His resurrection.  The Holy Spirit will give you faith to believe that a dead man got up in the body He died in, and walked out of His grave alive, never to die again. 

It’s a call! So, those who want to argue with me on this subject, who want to say “well what about my will, what about my will and my decision to choose God?” You know that doesn’t even really sound right. How can we choose God while we are yet dead in our trespasses and sins?

Let’s see what the bible says about this. What about your willpower in this? 

I asked myself this question since I  was a person with a very strong willpower. In fact, I  stood against my grandmother every Sunday. There was a church and my grandfather was the pastor. As an eight year old, I stood with my willpower as a young child and said to Grandma Greta “NO, I’m not going to that church, I’m not going to your church. I don’t believe in Jesus, I WILL not go”, and I did not go!!! 

So what happened to my willpower when I got the call? It almost seems like it disappeared. I was just caught up, snatched up in the call. You say “prove it to me, show me in the bible.” Well look at Ezekiel the 36th chapter. This is the prophetic words of God about the new birth. He doesn’t mention Jesus by name, but He does mention Him. He says, “I will sanctify My great name, I will take you from among the heathen.” And that’s what happened to Me, the one my grandmother used to call a heathen. 

I was taken from among the heathen and gathered out. He says “I will sprinkle clean water upon you.” Look at God’s emphasis. On all the “I will’s.” He says “I willsprinkle clean water upon you. I will give you a new heart, I will give you a new spirit, I will put a new spirit within you, I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, I will put My Spirit in you, and I will cause you to walk in My statutes and you shall keep My judgments and do them.” 

And that’s what 40 years of my  life have been about. I  got caused to be where I am now. Why? Because He said “I will put My Spirit within you, and it is My Spirit within you that will cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgments and do them.” Lord have mercy. It’s the fear of the Lord, that Spirit within, that has caused ME  to be 40 years in Him. 

And then He says “I will also save you from all your uncleanness.” That’s what He does in Christ. Many have jumped out and said “I accept Jesus.” And so, since they accepted Jesus, then they have to cause themselves to keep the laws and the statutes and to obey God. It becomes a real work for them, but it’s a work without power. Why? 

They didn’t wait on the call. 

Wait on Him to call you. If you have a desire for Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then God is moving upon you. Wait for Him to call you. Don’t get duped into saying, “come into my heart.” Jesus Christ of Nazareth does not come into anybody’s heart. But the Fake Jesus does. If you need help, contact me at, because you are going to have to uninvite the Fake Jesus out of your heart, and you’re going to need some help doing that. 

For Pastor Pam’s books you can get a copy of  CLICK HERE


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Filed under altar call, born again, churchfolk, counterfeit births, CRUCIFIXION, deception, fake Jesus, false conversion, false conversions, gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus, led out of the church, religious demon, salvation, the cross

Be Prepared In End-Times

Certainly there are wide variations in our interpretation of the sequence of end-time events.  Nevertheless, we are all agreed that the kingdoms of this world shall one day become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and that He shall reign forever.  (Rev 11:15) In Matthew 25, the marriage of the Lamb is brought into view, and the Lamb’s wife has “made herself ready.” The foolish virgins were NOT ready and the Lord said to them “I do not know you.”

How could  the Lord not know the foolish virgins?  Obviously, they had false conversions.

Just as the bride and the bridegroom will be joined, so too shall the those who have religion without Christ shall be judged.  The woman in scripture is the personification not only of the true church, but also, the harlot.   This parable is unique in that for the Lord to close the door on the ill prepared seems harsh.  Yet, it must be that the 5 foolish virgins are symbolic of the apostate church, filled with believers who assume they are born again but they are not.

The time to prepare is NOW.  Rescue Fellowship has oil for your lamps.  So let us hear from you.  Either fill out the contact form or call 1-888-818-1117.

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Blood in the Water: Temptations Not Common To Man

armorThe bible warns that the conditions at the end of the age will “wax worse and worse” men deceiving and being deceived.(2 Timothy 3:13) and many children of God will be deceived, possibly destroyed, because of a lack of discernment, becoming unconscious vessels for the enemy to use in the DAY of his power. (Matthew 24:10). Therefore, it is mandated that every true believer must be prepared to stand alone in order to emerge as an overcomer. To be prepared means that you have been trained in peace time but most often, while you are actually in the battle.

Unfortunately, we are not prepared for what is happening among this generation’s religious people.  Whether in church or absent from Her, Satan is pulling out all  his last stops including spirit rape, voices, intrusive blasphemous thoughts and horrifying visions to let religious folk know, that he is in control of them.  And he is.

How did the devil obtain this kind of power when the bible reports that the Lord Jesus Christ has defeated him? Simply put, the  spiritually undernourished have been eating fast spiritual foods leading to the expectation that quick religious  fixes and fantasies will  pull them  through to victory. What is neither understood or considered is that we who will overcome must try the spirits NOW. We must not believe every spirit.  The spirit that is not of God is Anti-Christ.  So if you are hearing blasphemous thoughts about the Lord Jesus, or if entities or spirits are having sex with you to satisfy their need for spiritual worship, if you are having evil visions that cause shame and guilt , you have been taken over by Satan as  the Accuser of the brethren and the  spirit of the Anti-Christ.

In order to overcome the spirit of the Antichrist who is now quite active in our present world, everything and everyone must be tested, including yourself.  How is this test implemented? First of all, , check to see if you have been  consistently eating junk food. Also, examine where you stand relative to the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth: sin, the cross, the death, burial, resurrection and the return  of the Lord.   Do you understand repentance? Did you experience godly sorrow as led by the Holy Spirit and not by the needs of your own flesh for grief, self-accusation, and self-induced shame?   Did the Holy Spirit call you to the cross or did you just ask Jesus to come into your heart because you were afraid of going to hell? Are you expecting a pre-tribulation rapture and therefore you are not preparing for His coming? Do you believe you are born again yet you still have not been able to control sinful behavior? Do you believe that church attendance and loyalty will save you?

The answers to these questions will reveal whether or not you have been eating fast foods, and relying on quick fixes, fantasizing that you are blessed when in fact, you may be cursed.

Let us face it!.  WE ARE IN A WAR.  A SPIRITUAL WAR! if you are in agreement with theantichrist spirit of the world and the spirit of the Antichrist, you are a weak vessel, not a soldier, one  who is actually food for Satan.  He smells your blood in the water and you are the prey of the mighty. He will tempt you with illusions in the spirit that are not common to man and he does not play fair.  However, those of us called to Calvary have been given weapons for warfare that we are to use and become proficient in their use by experience, developing our faith by trial and sometimes by error.

A part of that warfare is to recognize the spies and overcome them BEFORE the Lord returns. We are in a conflict with the Antichrist and his army NOW.  Consider perhaps the very near future as outlined in Revelation 17. In this chapter, Christ is carrying out terrible things on His enemies who “war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings, and they also shall overcome who are with Him, called and chosen, and faithful.”

I want to be in this number.  You should want it also.


We shall judge and rule with Christ, at least those of us who overcome.  Those who have died in Christ already have escaped the  kind of uncommon supernatural trials and  tests Satan will throw our way in these Laodicean, deceitfully lukewarm times of fast food religion and quick fix deliverances.  I suspect that the dead in Christ have their crowns already.  However, what if we are alive when He comes?   It seems that it is OUR crowns that are up for grabs. Will you allow YOUR crown  to  be stolen because you enjoyed too much fast food in the spirit  and you depended solely on quick fixes, incapable of standing against the wiles of the devil.

RESCUE Ministry will train you to be prepared for the Satanic onslaught that is coming your way.  We also work to set you free once you have slipped  into sinking sand. God wants to work in you. RESCUE is a safe haven where He can answer your prayer and prepare you for the future, with solid meat.  Has the enemy interfered in your life?  God is greater than the devil. At RESCUE, we will train you to get a crown and keep it. We will help you to past all tests with flying colors, as you learn to stand in strong faith.

If you would like to give RESCUE a 30 day trial to see if this ministry is for you, call 888-818-1117 or complete the contact form below:

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Filed under book of revelation, born again, coaching, deception, deliverance, false conversions, spirtual growth, torment

Is God A Member of Your Local Church?

I find that the easiest people for me  to work with in regards to rational, commonsense conversations concerning   the evils within the institutional church  and the fact that their own local  church is not immune from Satanic deception, is when someone contacts me who is in torment, and who also is suffering from  the delusion that they are born again.  Does not the bible declare that  “God did not give us a spirit of fear and of torment, but He gave us a sound mind.” So if your mind is not sound and you are in torment, it becomes clear and logical to ask the question,  “How could I  possibly be   born again? Furthermore, if you’ve been in a local church for several years , and the leadership  still has not recognized your problems, nor have they helped you with them,  it becomes a lot easier to ask yourself “how could  God be  in there?” When a churchgoer starts to think outside his or her religious box, the result is that  he or she is free to  also to take note of  how many people in his  local  church are patients in  the mental health system or the substance abuse system with all kinds of strange health and medical problems, yet  healing and deliverance is consistently preached.   Finally,  when you are free in your mind to  consider that  the pastor’s family is not delivered, aren’t these apparent contradictions signs that God is not there?

I find it  best to reason  with the deceived, rather than use  the bible as a weapon to   “bang, bang, bang, bang folk over their heads.  People need to be encouraged to operate with a sound mind so as to come to their own conclusions.  When a sound mind is delivered from the bondage of passivity, churchgoers will pose their own questions like   ” how is this happening , and why  is that not happening?”Churchfolk quickly pick up the lingo, and will go about declaring  “I’m blessed! I’m blessed, I’ve got this, I’ve got that,  so  I’m blessed!” And most of the time, they either really don’t believe that; or they are in serious  bondage to  a delusion. And so, when I hear such a declaration, I enquire  “what does it mean to be blessed? ”  I will do a churchfolk thing and ask “how does the bible define the nature of being blessed?”  For example, in  Psalm 1. “Blessed is the man (or woman) that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.” And then, I share with them that what their church is preaching is ungodly counsel. As the most important example of ungodly counsel, you have been taught that you can accept God.  The truth is that   if are to be born again, God has already chosen YOU and not the other way around.

 Then Psalm 1 continues with not  walking in  in the counsel of the ungodly, or standeth in the way of sinners. Then I would ask the question,  “Can you tell tellthe difference between the folk in your local church  and  sinners by  the way they look, the way they operate, the way they talk, the places that they go? this is a subject for yet another post.

“Or sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” One of the things I get the churchgoer to notice   is that the devil loves to mock the church and people who present themselves as the pillars of the church. For example, with Benny Hinn, they haven’t been able to find anybody of all those people that he has waved his hands at, or prayed for, or declared healed. Among all those thousands upon thousands of people.  the last I heard is that there is no  proven record that even ONE really got healed.

So I think its important to ask churchfolk who come our way this important question.   “What is the I. C. really doing for you? Why do you say you’re blessed? Are you really? Is there any fear and torment operating in you or in your family? Are you in captivity to the devil? How can you be in captivity to the devil and you go to church every time the doors are open? Why are you suffering with this or that and you’re a faithful and committed churchgoer?” These are some of the kinds of questions that people will b e offended by but will they will ponder when the dust clears. . “Do you hear from God? Are your prayers being answered? Tell me some of the prophecies that have been said over you. Have they come to pass?”

When I was in the IC as a pastor, the devil was talking to me constantly.  I thought I was hearing from God.  He would make me promises in dreams that he KNEW would never come to pass. His motive was to cause me to weaken in faith and to distrust God.  Once my eyes were opened to the truth, I rarely hear from the enemy in this manner.  Once his tricks were exposed, he did exactly what the Apostle Paul wrote that he would do.  I resisted him and he fleed from me.

So if you are constantly hearing things or receiving visions and you believe its the Lord, you need to check yourself by trying the spirits.  The devil was talking to me  just about every day, and every day I  thought it was God. His pattern was to  reveal 3 things about my future. When two things came to pass, I was duped into thinking the third and most important thing would transpire, BUT IT did not.

So what kind of blessing is that? To be mocked is NOT A BLESSING. 

So be bold and sincere enough to ask a deceived churchgoer this question.  “Are you being mocked as you sit there on that pew? ? Is the devil using sickness, disease, depression, substance abuse, pornography, to mock you?

Well if he can mock you this way, you ain’t saved. And if you’ve been over to that church all this time, and they don’t see it, then they ain’t saved either, and God is not there.”

Is there a question stirring in your mind?  Are you seeking to be undeceived?  Let us here from you.

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Filed under churchfolk, deception, demonized, false conversions

Unraveling a False Conversion

After watching my video series entitled “False Conversions,” certainly you were startled, perhaps even horrified.  I understand.

Clearly the adversary has had a religion, recognized by the Lord in His message to te church at Smyrna, called “the synagogue of Satan.” Little did we realize that the profession of godliness without the inward witness of the new birth is in itself an aspect of Satan’s religion, under the delegated authority of the fallen angels Maitreya, Sananda and Mother Mary for the Catholics.

The Lord refers to “the deep things of Satan” in His word to the church at Thyatira.  Seducing spirits with doctrines of devils do not fail to mention the cross and the resurrection, yet they do so deliberately without understanding so as to eliminate their power. In a false conversion, the enemy has taken the symbols of his defeat and used them against his conquerors where multitudes are unknowingly under  the sway and in the power of Satanic religion.

So to unravel a false conversion, the first step is to disavow either Maitreya, Sananda or Mother Mary.  You may need some spiritual warfare help with that, so call me at 518-477-5759.

 In this post, lets  take a look at point 2—-one must pass through the gateway of the cross.

Since no one can lift himself out of the horrible pit of sin, it is impossible without the ministry of the Holy Ghost. Here is where faith and trust in God comes to the rescue. Once the captive is made aware of his or her need  and desires for the true Jesus of the cross, the Spirit will unveil the Prince of Glory, hanging upon a tree and convict the captive of sin. He will also give the captive a measure of faith to truly believe and the ability to experience peace and assurance through the Lord’s blood shed on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and the washing and cleansing of the newly created spirit.

Once the soul learns the meaning of the cross in its deliverance from the bondage of sin, then the Holy Ghost will bring you to the Risen Christ— as you—as a  former captive— take your  seat in heavenly places.


Filed under cease from works, crucified with Christ, false conversions, repentance, resurrection

Jesus Does Not “Come Into Your Heart!!!”

Asking Jesus to Come Into Your Heart Produces a False ConversionBy Pam Sheppard

 The Angel Over Your Church has been REMOVED because of the I ACCEPT JESUS practice.I coined the term “counterfeit births” because I have seen so many false conversions. My book, “The Religious Demon” provides profiles of about 75% of the cases. I’ve yet to write a second edition.  A lot more would be added. A significant part of the “I accept Jesus” practice is to ask Jesus to “come into my heart.”

Anyone who knows even a little about kundalini yoga and the 7 chakras are aware of the fact that every human being has 7 spiritual gateways or doorways in his body. Through entering a state of passivity, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, chanting, even speaking in tongues will create an altered state of consciousness (ASC) conducive enough to crack open the spiritual doorway, one by one. I would include falling slain in the spirit, holy laughter, speaking in tongues, the holy dance, shouting, running around the church, flopping one’s head back and forth, as additional practices that stir up the kundalini spirit and open the 7 doorways.

Chakras are actually doorways for Hindu gods who themselves are really principalities and powers. Each of these entities stand guard over each of the 7 portals: Over the crown is Shiva; the third eye is Hakini, the throat is Savashiva, the navel is Bahni, the sexual organs are Vishnu and Rakeeni, the anus is Brahma and the heart is Isha.

Since no where in the bible does it even suggest that we should “ask Jesus into our hearts,” the fallen angel Isha responds to the unsuspecting seekers “invitation” as a call to the fake Jesus Sananda who Isha serves. So Isha opens the doorway to the heart and religious demons are able to enter and take up residence.

How do I know this to be so?

Well, since 2002, I have been practicing deliverance counseling with professing Christians who had a false conversion by “asking Jesus to come into their hears.” Without exception, they were all demonized at various levels along a spectrum. Some simply cannot experience the godly sorrow of repentance, some just have no faith concerning the Lord’s resurrection, some are compulsive and legalistic without baring any genuine fruit for Christ, while much more debilitating captives are severely tormented with hearing condemning voices, materialized manifestations of demons, depersonalization, insomnia, frequent bouts of sleep paralysis, blasphemous thoughts, suicidal thoughts, demons using their bodies to speak and move objects, even spontaneous orgasms of demonic origin.

What do they ALL have in common? They either repeated a sinner’s prayer at the conclusion of a TV or radio program, from a printed tract, or they got up out of their seats and walked forward at the invitation and “accepted Jesus.” Most of these captives were tongue talkers but not all. Some of them came from the mainline denominational churches as well as from the word of faith, pentecostal-charismatics. Those who chanted “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” at a pentecostal altar are in the worst shape, also those who actively received hands laid on them in charismatic churches and by deliverance ministries. Those who sought deliverance from more than one ministry are usually in the worst shape.

What is the solution? As an invitation was made to Sananda by the person’s free will, the freewill of the person must be built up by first, a deprogramming of error, second, a reversal of passivity, third, the receiving of truth, and finally, a disavowal of the invitation and a rejection of Sananda. In most cases, the religious demons who entered into the heart gateway by the authority of Isha must be cast out.

Need help? Help is available. Call 518-477-5759

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Filed under born again, Come Into My Heart, false conversions

Exposing False Conversions

I remember one time I dealt with a lady a few years ago. I was trying to help her because the Lord had shared with me that even though she believed she was saved, He shared with me that she was, in fact, not saved. I did not know how to approach her, at first, in that it is very difficult to go to someone and ask them to question their salvation.

When most people are challenged or asked ‘Are you really saved?’ They answer emphatically “YES!”

It is viewed almost as a slap in the face that you would even THINK to ask such a question!

That was the response of this lady. She became VERY offended at my question, at the very notion that I would even imply that she may not be saved.

So after a few interchanges with her, she stopped talking to me.

When I watched this video of Pamela explaining examining our salvation, I was reminded of the stiff-neckedness of this lady. Unfortunately, many people are like that lady.

Many get offended if someone was to question their salvation. I say, ‘If there is a doubt in your mind-or if you’re dealing with some oppression or even possession of any kind-then it then becomes necessary to EXAMINE YOUR SALVATION.

If you need help in sorting out the details of your salvation experience, if you have ANY doubt in your mind or spirit that you are saved, or if you’re dealing with demonic oppression or torment since attending your church or repeating the sinner’s prayer, please call (518) 477-5759 TODAY!

I remember one time I dealt with a lady a few years ago.  I was trying to help her because the Lord had shared with me that even though she believed she was saved,  He shared with me that she was, in fact, not saved.  I did not know how to approach her, at first, in that it is very difficult to go to someone and ask them to question their salvation.

When most people are challenged or asked ‘Are you really saved?’  They answer emphatically “YES!”

It is viewed almost as a slap in the face that you would even THINK to ask such a question!

That was the response of this lady.  She became VERY offended at my question, at the very notion that I would even imply that she may not be saved.

So after a few interchanges with her, she stopped talking to me.

When I watched this video of Pamela explaining examining our salvation, I was reminded of the stiff-neckedness of this lady.  Unfortunately, many people are like that lady.

Many get offended if someone was to question their salvation.  I say, ‘If there is a doubt in your mind-or if you’re dealing with some oppression or even possession of any kind-then it then becomes necessary to EXAMINE YOUR SALVATION.

If you need help in sorting out the details of your salvation experience, if you have ANY doubt in your mind or spirit that you are saved, or if you’re dealing with demonic oppression or torment since attending your church or repeating the sinner’s prayer, please call  (518) 4775759  TODAY!

Video by Pam Sheppard, commentary by Wenona Russ

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Filed under born again, counterfeit births, fake Jesus, false conversions