Tag Archives: the fake Jesus

Witchcraft: A Work of the Flesh

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

If you EVER dabbled in the occult, then your personality is susceptible to witchcraft as a work of your flesh. What do you do with a work of the flesh? YOU CRUCIFY IT. Treat it like it is DEAD! You cannot cast out what is a part of your personality.



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Filed under altar call, born again, charismatic witchcraft, charismatic worship, Come Into My Heart, communicating with the dead/necromancy, counterfeit births, deception, demonized, demons and devils, dreams, evil spirits, fake Jesus, false conversion, false religions, hearing voices, idolatry, leave the church, led out of the church, organized church, religious demon, The fake Jesus, the occult/new age, the organized church, witchcraft

More on Worshipping the FAKE JESUS

Writer: Tee

People who worship the Fake Jesus (Jesus Sananda Immanuel), MOST OF WHOM ARE MOST CHURCHGOING FOLKS WHO CLAIM TO BE SAVED, are by far, the MOST DIFFICULT to reach. Why? Because he has them so fooled that they actually think that the Jesus they are serving is the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and NOBODY CAN TELL THEM DIFFERENT. With all of his trickery, they don’t realize that they are serving a religious counterfeit, and often become heavily offended when their salvation is challenged.

Sananda is so clever that he uses what works with people: miracles, signs, wonders, warm-fuzzy feelings, and a LACK OF FAITH IN THE TRUTH. He preys on a person’s desperation for seeing to believe, since he knows that they have no faith. Faith on the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the most powerful weapon we have against the enemy. If he can steal your faith, he can win you over.

The more allegiance you have to Sananda, the more he can block you from seeing the truth, which can therefore block your salvation. When I had a false conversion, I did not make an invitation to Sananda. If I did, I would have been in demonic torment. I suppose that because of the fact that I never engaged in any practices that had me inviting Jesus into my heart, and therefore had no demons. So my salvation therefore was not blocked. It was easy for me to receive the truth, and I did not become offended when Pam challenged my salvation.

The more I heard Pam preach the gospel to me, the more I began to see it, and the more I wanted even more truth. My FAITH on the power of the cross and resurrection was being developed. Once I received that faith, the Holy Spirit was able to do His work!

Anyone who has said the sinners prayer, prayed Jesus into their heart, or somehow engaged in a practice that involved calling on Jesus or chanting for Jesus to come to them is at risk of being demonized. YOU DID NOT ENCOUNTER THE REAL JESUS CHRIST!!! Why you ask? Because Jesus Christ is not a spirit hovering around, waiting for us to beckon him. He is sitting at the right hand of the father in HUMAN FORM.

When Jesus Christ resurrected, he appeared before Mary Magdalene and other disciples to show them this very fact, so that they can see that he came back to life in his own body, and then ascended to heaven in that body. Yet this one very important aspect of the gospel is being watered down and dispelled all throughout the organized church!!!! Why? Because the enemy knows that people are so caught up in lusting after supernatural experiences that they will even ignore the very truth in order to get their supernatural fix. Think about it: how often do people go to church talking about “the presence,” and how much they want to “experience God?” FOR WHAT???? It’s all about THEM!!! It’s all about SELF-EDIFICATION. What in the world does that have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? NOTHING.

People lack faith in the power of God, so they lust after the supernatural in order to find a reason or a way to believe in his power…when the power that they are seeking after is actually the power of the devil…nothing different than what psychics and mediums do…just in a different environment.

Want to know more about this topic? You need to get the book, “The Fake Jesus” in your hands. It goes into details about who the Fake Jesus is, his methods & strategies, and examples of ways he is deceiving folks ALL OVER THE WORLD. You can find the book on http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/pam_s911


Filed under altar call, churchfolk, Come Into My Heart, demons and devils, fake Jesus, fallen angels, false conversion, false doctrine, gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus, organized church, religious demon, Resisting the devil, resurrection, salvation, sin, spirit and soul, spirit, soul and body, the cross, the gifts of the Holy Ghost, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the institutional church, tongues, torment, truth, work of the flesh

Maitreya and Sananda as the Antichrist and the False Prophet

I believe the Fake Jesus is my worst written book but it is my most important book.  

I evaluate the book as   the worst written of the 8 of them, simply  because it was conceived and produced  at a time when I was not sufficiently  bold enough to expose my thought beyond  a few folk, the fact that I suspected  that the church has already  been infiltrated by fallen angels.  Generally   a consummate professional,  I was once concerned that  I would be called a conspiracy theory quack.  Therefore I wrote it in the third person, like I was talking about someone other than me., writing  “we” instead of “I”.

For some of you, after you read the Fake Jesus,  I suspect that  you will  be as astonished  as even I was where the institutional church is concerned.  For as I reviewed the book I had written,   I realized that I was not personally exempt from its findings, particularly as a pastor. For I realized that even  the church I founded was connected to  the same religious  system and consequently a fallen angel was assigned to MY church as well as all others.

I started writing the book In 2007. Wow!  That was 10 years ago. !!!  In a decade, my belief in a fallen angel takeover of the global church is even stronger than it was when I collected my research.  Anyway, by 2008, I shut down  my church and I buried her name.  Healing Waters: a name given to me by a fallen angel in the mouth of a nine-year old girl, Leandra in 1983. I uncovered in my research that   Healing Waters is a by word for the fallen angel  Maitreya. !!!!

There are about 50-200 Ascended masters of different ranks. The Fake Jesus is  among  the top five. Maitreya, Sananda, Mother Mary, St. Germaine and Ashtar. Under their command are other fallen angels who are in charge of the churches.

Maitreya is pinpointed as  the expected leader whom  the new age occult world is waiting for in these times with his forerunner being Benjamin Creme. As described by Crème, Maitreya” essence and his mission to earth is akin to the biblical Antichrist.  Maitreya is also  the  unseen father of the Eastern religions.  The climax  of this book is its clear understanding and interpretation to be seriously aware  what Benjamin Creme claims Maitreya will perform by miracles and healings around the world, to draw followers wo will believe that he is God Almighty. The book reveals how and why the great hoax will deceive and disciple many by the power of the altered state.

“The Fake Jesus” also reveals a trick to be enacted upon the entire world that will cause the uninformed to    believe  that Maitreya is omniscient, omnipotent  and omnipresent. In other words. GOD! Maitreya is the fallen angel who will possess a world leader aka the Antichrist  while  Sananda will be in  control of the false prophet.

The rest of the book reveals the history of how the enemy pulled it off in the churches, including Sananda’s work with the Protestants and Mother Mary’s work with the Catholics.

Once I penned  the next  book, the  New Idolatry, I find that I have fully embraced  my bold character, since I am  no longer concerned at all whether I am thought to be a quack. I consider  The New Idolatry as  a sequel to the Fake Jesus.

There are some additional interesting  tidbits about the Fake Jesus. The book was typed on a computer and completed in 2007.  While doing the final reading, I noticed that the word “angel” had been  removed from the entire book.  Considering that the word was repeated at least 500 times, I had to type each word in each sentence  manually.  Needless to say, I missed a handful of replacements.  So if you are reading and you come across  the word “fallen” without anything after it, just add in “angel” into your mind  as you read.

Another interesting aside  is that the fallen angels have actually responded to the book quite vigorously, vehemently expressing  how much they hate it.  In one instance fallen angels, entered into an acquaintance and sent me “their” book review by  email and another time, a fallen angel  caused  a reader to throw the book into the next room while she was reading it. Here are a couple of  reviews from humans, not under the influence of evil spirits: :

I am currently reading The Church of the End time Zombies. I have read The Fake Jesus. In the beginning I knew something wasn’t quite right with the church but I was in denial thinking how could I and everyone else be wrong. But the Fake Jesus gives history and insight on how deceived we all have been. Pam just didn’t come out of the church to invent these things she tested the spirits and took time to research the matter. She has done all of the work for us. Pam herself will tell you to ask God to reveal the truth. I did just that and found that she is a true woman of God. I also counsel with Pam once a week. She is patient yet real but don’t get it twisted for a moment she also commands her respect but in a loving way. The stuff I have learned from counseling, her videos and books have been immeasurable. I have learned more in these last few months than I have attending years in the church.

I have read Pam Sheppard’s books, “The New Idolatry”, “The Fake Jesus”. I have also purchased the Church of the End-Time Zombies. Her teachings have helped me a lot. The Fake Jesus explains really well how evil spirits are deceiving Christians in the church. The New Idolatry is a good book that reveals the dangers of the occult and how demons, religious demons, fallen angels, Satan and his cohorts are spreading their agenda, masquerading in many ways (i.e yoga gods). I have also joined her rescue online ministry group. I am glad that I did. The problems I was experiencing, the church was not able to help me, in fact my situation just got worse. Today I am doing much better, and have been armored with so much truth and strength. I recommend that anyone who feels that something is not right in the church, experiencing anything strange, supernatural, then read Pam Sheppard’s books and contact her for further help if needed. There are not too many people who are truly born again in Jesus Christ but Pam Sheppard is one of them, to those that God is un-deceiving, it will be easy for you to tell.

If you would like to speak to me about the books, complete the contact form below:

                                                                                                                                                                        THE FAKE JESUS   

                    THE NEW IDOLATRY


Click the cover for the ebook, and the title for the paperback

Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperback

Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperback


Filed under altered states ASC, ascended masters, Benjamin Creme, deception, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, Maitreya, St Germaine

How the False Church Was Created By Freemasons

The strategy to obtain channels and  followers of New Age occultism is relatively routine among the masquerading  fallen angels.They simply  cater to the work of the human  flesh that loves the supernatural.   Once they hook a follower,  religious spirits   never tell their  human targets  the dirty, down and dark  side of their real mission and purpose. Nor  do they reveal that they actually serve Satan.  Yet, not denying their god, they just switched a few letters around and refer to Satan as “Sanat” Kamura.   These so-called “ascended masters”  lure and entice people to follow them either directly or indirectly—-authoring books through them and prospering their lives in material and soulish ways.  Channels are attracted to and  lured by the positive side of the message based upon  the desires of their own hearts.  And since the human heart is deceitfully or secretively wicked, these human channels have not been difficult targets for deception  by high level fallen  whose commander-in-chief is Satan.

Clearly, with professing Christians who serve and worship the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, Sananda and his evil troops and human helpers were forced to  resort to  deception. Their strategy is to employ counterfeit manifestations of the spirit  so as to  infiltrate  the minds of professing Christians to accept  false practices, false doctrine and the deceptions of  false prophets. Even though Sananda  is the  chief fallen angel  that imitate the Son of God,   other demons “ascended masters” play  a part in what they refer to as “the Christ consciousness.” Imitation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by Sananda and the others is  either with or  without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without BOTH.

For example, through several channels, Sananda basically reports  that at the cross,  he was not dead but comatose and that the other Ascended Masters revived him and he fled to India.  No surprise. The  Fake Jesus defies the resurrection. The demon Sananda was certainly at the cross invisibly, yet  not on the cross physically,  As Sananda mocked Jesus  with the rest of the demons–the ones whom King David prophesied as “the bulls of Bashan,” (Psalm 22) but at the cross, Sananda was merely a disembodied demon.  The results of  our study have shed light on why  so many churchgoers  have not understood the bodily resurrection of the Only Begotten Son of God. They have been unknowingly worshipping the fake Jesus, Sananda Immanuel–the one who denies the Lord’s bodily resurrection.

As one manifestation of the Fake Jesus, Sananda’s influence  is more apparent among the Mormons, Roman and Independent Catholics, the Christian Scientists,  the 7th Day Adventists,   the Jehovah Witnesses, and other so-called Christians that have changed the word of God, some of them “ever so slightly.”  Each of these allegedly Christian sects have perverted  the gospel in one way or another.  However,   this  “imposter god” has also drawn  out followers through the preaching of the prosperity message,  “a millionnaire Jesus.” “Name it and claim it” is also a Sananda influence.  We are gods with a small “g” is straight up Sananda. Kingdom theology. Peace and unity.  Let’s take the kingdom and put our foot on the devil.   In other words, word of faith, non-denominational Charismatics and Pentecostals  have more subtlely changed  the nature and character of Jesus Christ of Nazareth with their “new doctrines”  and their  neglecting to preach the meaning of the cross and the Lord’s  bodily resurrection.

Consequently, it could very well be that  there are very few bona-fide Christians who have not come under Sananda’s influence, more or less.  Those who came to know Jesus Christ through the organized church have come to know the Jesus of their understanding, embraced him, fallen in love with his compassion, his suffering, his goodness, his mercy, his peace, his power to heal etc.  Countless of them  became devoted followers of the Jesus of their understanding.   However, without an understanding of the Lord’s bodily  resurrection and the true meaning of the cross, neither the devoted believer nor the hypocrite is  saved.   The expression  “He rose from the dead” has become  meaningless, religious  verbage,–a  lifeless “tag on” to the cross.  Without an understanding of the BODILY resurrection of the Lord, the Apostle Paul warned the Corinthian believers that their faith was vain and they were still in their sins.” (I cor 15;17) If any of them were still in their sins, then all of their speaking in tongues and other supernatural manifestations were not of God.  If they were not of God, then they were of the enemy. Below is an excerpt from the book “New Idolatry’ concerning  yet another clever way the enemy used to infiltrate the organized church:

        Several  Masonic defectors have exposed the deeper things of freemasonry in various books and articles. From a personal perspective, the denomination I served  was  overrun with freemasons of the Prince Hall Lodge in high leadership positions in  both the pulpits and the pews.  In fact,  if you trace the history of most denominations you will find freemasons among its founders.  In “Come Out of Her, God’s People,” and “Faces of the Religious Demon,” I expose the ramifications of the infiltration of freemasonry in the African American church and the backlash of destructive plagues that have overtaken the family members of ministers and laity who are freemasons.  Cisco Wheeler, a  former freemason within  the Illuminati, has exposed the secret agenda for church membership.  In a transcribed radio interview, Cisco chillingly uncovered how by becoming part of the church as  an ordained minister, a leader of youth groups, and a friend and associate to church elders and the board of directors of Pentecostal churches, her father spread freemasonry into the churches. Cisco’s words are chilling:

“In the late forties, the Illuminati wanted to infiltrate the churches because they understood the power of God within the structure of the church, and they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the Holy Spirit that works within the church.  They (the Illuminati) had to find a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to bring the world into the churches so that the churches wouldn’t be so strong spiritually.  That was part of my father’s job.  In order to do that, my father married my mother who was not Illuminati, but she had a very strong religious background.  My mother was that perfect example for the world, that perfect wife for the church to set examples for other young women in the church.  When my father married her, that was his way to infiltrate the church through my mother.”[1]

     With Cisco Wheeler’s father as only one freemason among perhaps  thousands or even millions brainwashed with the same mindset of church infiltration through marriage to a Christian woman, it is interesting that idolatry obtained a foothold in the church by the late 40’s.  Similarly,  it was in the late 40’s that alien encounters became a matter of public and governmental attention, dealt with in more substance in Chapter  7.

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Filed under false conversions, freemasonry, incubus, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, resurrection

The Great Falling Away

The Great Falling Away

The Apostle Paul warned Timothy that in the last days, some would depart from the faith because they gave heed to seducing spirits and doctrines  of devils. I connected the dots and assumed that Paul was referring to “the great falling away.”  So while I was a faithful member and pastor in the organized system, I was incorrect in my assumption that the faithful few would remain in the organized church, when actually the opposite phenomena has occurred.  For those who have “fallen away,” are those who remain inside the organized, religious system.

HERE IS THE PATTERN. Those who came to know Jesus Christ through the organized church have come to know the Jesus of their understanding, embraced him, fallen in love with his sacrifice, his death, his goodness, his mercy, his peace, his power to heal etc. They become devoted followers of the Jesus of their understanding. And because of their commitment and devotion, they are attacked and abused by other followers of this same Jesus who are hypocrites. This attack has a deceptive intent and outcome, in that the devoted ones believe themselves to be more saved than the hypocrites.

However, without an understanding of the Lord’s resurrection, neither the devoted believer nor the hypocrite is truly saved. The expression “He rose from the dead” just becomes more meaningless verbage,–a lifeless “tag on” to the cross. In spite of the fact that the devoted followers are initially deceived by the attack they receive from the hands of professing “Christians” , the Lord uses the attack to His advantage by calling out those that He has chosen from the beginning of time to be genuinely saved. Therefore, He allows the demon to torment His called out ones, who have been entrapped and confused by believing on the imposter. The attack warns the deceived ones that “something is wrong.” Nine times out of 10, what is wrong is that the deceived have been unknowingly believing in a unresurrected imposter who calls himself “Jesus Christ.” .

Just as you will find perhaps billions of innocent people who are extremely devoted to Allah, Buddha, and other gods– sincere people, faithful followers of the wrong god,— the religious demon is using the same tactics in Christianity. The religious demon literally imitates Christ, either without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without BOTH. This fake Jesus is more apparent among the Mormons, the Catholics, the Christian Scientists, and the Jehovah Witnesses. Each of these allegedly Christian religions have changed the gospel in some way. However, this “imposter god” is also drawing out followers through the preaching of the prosperity message, ie. “a millionnaire Jesus.”

In other words, word of faith, non-denominational, charismatic and Pentecostals have more subtly changed the nature and character of Jesus with their prosperity preaching and by neglecting to preach the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fake Jesus has used the same tactic with a slightly different spin. THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN TORMENTED CAN CONSIDER YOURSELVES “BLESSED.”. The real Jesus is about to rescue you. The devil has tried to snatch you out of the Lord’s hands but he WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL. to be set free, click the title link above called “WHATS GOIN ON.”


I have found out the name of the imposter-Satan’s #1 religious demon. His name is Jesus Sananda Immanuel, and he is assisted by another, a high level angel called Ashtar. Together, Jesus Sananda and Ashtar have been imitating Jesus Christ of Nazareth. At first, their focus was on establishing false Christian religions like the Mormons and others. A fallen angel pretending to be a UFO, Sananda is a fraud, a mocker, an imitator and a blasphemer of the most High God. Their primary goal is to unite all world religions. Ashtar first entered this solar system on July 18, 1952, 55 years ago. Truly, that is when the problem of the present day organized church began to have serious problems. Ashtar first contacted to Col. George Van Tassel, introducing himself as a UFO. For decades now, Sananda and Ashtar continue to communicate openly with their New Age followers, speaking to them through mediums who today are called “channels” or “contactees.”

Sananda is on the cover of the book “THE FAKE JESUS”

If you search the web with the names of these two fallen angels, you will find a plethora of contradictory information, depending upon the “spiritual consciousness” of the channel or contactee. With professing Christians who believe that they are serving and worshipping Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, Sananda and Ashtar use deception through infiltration into the organized church with false practices, false doctrine and deceived and/or false prophets. In other words, Jesus Sananda defies and refutes Jesus Christ of Nazareth by preaching that all religious roads lead to God. The Lord Jesus Christ declared that no man could come unto the Father than but by Himself yet Jesus Sananda preaches that all religions lead to the Father.

To find out who Sananda says that he is, I have reviewed the writing of several “channels.” It was an arduous task. Overall, it seems that Sananda’s mission and purpose is the unification of all world religions, spiritual paths, schools of thought, in other words the formation of Mystery Babylon. Sananda needs ministers to provide him with opportunitites to “do his job.” So you need to examine yourself and determine which Jesus you have been worshipping and serving.

Here is the  test.

: 1. Are you preaching universal, unconditional love and acceptance? 2. Do you hear little to nothing about sin, repentance and the cross? 3. Have you been sitting under preaching that is emphasizing YOU finding your divine destiny? 4. Have you been sitting under preaching about “taking the kingdom for Christ” ie. dominion teaching? 5. Have you ever been slain in the spirit? 6. Do you have “a prayer language” that you yourself do not understand? 7. Are you striving for complete unity of all faiths in Christ? There is more, but if you believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Only begotten Son of God, and can answer “yes” to even one of these 7 questions, you may be in serious trouble.

Here is the most important question to ask. Did you ask Jesus to “come into your heart?” If you did, then you made an invitation to Sananda.

To review the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us, visit www.pamsheppard.com/bookstore. I highly recommend that you watch a 3 part video on Counterfeit Births.




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Filed under ascended masters, Ashtar, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, resurrection